Page 18 - Dinq Magazine August 2020 Edition
P. 18


                                                                                   Happy birthday, Leo!

                                                                                   Welcome to your new year.
                                                                                   Happy birthday, Leo!
                                  አስትሮሎጂ                                           Welcome to your new year.

                           AUGUST 2020
                           AUGUST 2020

      Virgo                                   circle is looking to you for guidance and   Now begins the real work of staying commit-
      (August 23 – September                  wisdom, and it’s easy to see why: You are   ted to what you’ve set out to do. In the past,
      Virgo                                   circle is looking to you for guidance and   Now begins the real work of staying commit-
                                                                                    there have been times you denied yourself
                                              often the voice of reason, and you’ve been
      (August 23 – September                  wisdom, and it’s easy to see why: You are   ted to what you’ve set out to do. In the past,
      You’re happy to take your time this month,
                                              doing your homework for a long time now.
                                                                                    what you wanted most. You’re at a turning
      22)                                     often the voice of reason, and you’ve been   there have been times you denied yourself
                                              You have a lot to teach and share.
                                                                                    point now where it’s time to stop trying to be
      Virgo, and that’s what the stars want you to do.
      You’re happy to take your time this month,   doing your homework for a long time now.   what you wanted most. You’re at a turning

                                                                                    all things to all people, Aries.
      For you, August is all about going with the
      Virgo, and that’s what the stars want you to do.   You have a lot to teach and share.   point now where it’s time to stop trying to be
      flow, letting your imagination wander, and get-

      For you, August is all about going with the     (December 22 – January 19)    all things to all people, Aries.
      ting more in touch with what really matters to
      flow, letting your imagination wander, and get-  Capricorn                      (April 20 – May 20)
                                              You feel like you’re ready to go on auto-
      ting more in touch with what really matters to   (December 22 – January 19)   Taurus
      And this month, the universe is trying to show   pilot this month, Capricorn. Will you let   They say home is where the heart is, which
      you.                                    You feel like you’re ready to go on auto-  (April 20 – May 20)
      you that the way to finding that purpose starts   yourself take the break you’re craving?   could very well become your motto for the
      And this month, the universe is trying to show
                                              pilot this month, Capricorn. Will you let
                                                                                    They say home is where the heart is, which
      by letting yourself be more at ease in your mind   The stars certainly support any decisions   month, Taurus. You are feeling particularly
      you that the way to finding that purpose starts
                                                                                    could very well become your motto for the
                                              yourself take the break you’re craving?
      and body.                               you make in regards to kicking back and   connected to your roots these days and you’re
                                              The stars certainly support any decisions
                                                                                    month, Taurus. You are feeling particularly
      by letting yourself be more at ease in your mind
        and body.                             relaxing right now. You know you need   craving more time to focus on the people in
                                                                                    connected to your roots these days and you’re
                                              you make in regards to kicking back and
      Libra                                   some breathing room during what has al-  your life who make you feel at home.
                                              relaxing right now. You know you need
                                                                                    craving more time to focus on the people in

      (September 23 – October 22)             ready been an eventful year, you’ll appreci-  You’re also called to put love and attention
                                              some breathing room during what has al-
                                                                                    your life who make you feel at home.
      It’s not your responsibility to take on the   ate having the extra headspace to think   into your home space right now. If you’ve
      (September 23 – October 22)
                                                                                    You’re also called to put love and attention
                                              ready been an eventful year, you’ll appreci-
      weight of the world, Libra. But this month, you   about what’s next for you once the fall sea-  been dying to redecorate, tackle a DIY home
      It’s not your responsibility to take on the
                                              ate having the extra headspace to think
                                                                                    into your home space right now. If you’ve
      might feel like you’re a sponge that’s soaking up   son rolls around.         reno project, or do some late-summer garden-
      weight of the world, Libra. But this month, you
                                              about what’s next for you once the fall sea-
                                                                                    been dying to redecorate, tackle a DIY home
      everyone else’s problems as though they are     son rolls around.             ing, now is the time. Make your home the
      might feel like you’re a sponge that’s soaking up
                                                                                    reno project, or do some late-summer garden-
      your own.                                 Aquarius                            ing, now is the time. Make your home the
      everyone else’s problems as though they are
                                                                                    sanctuary you want it to be.

      your own.
      Don’t feel guilty about taking care of yourself,   Aquarius  0 – February 18)   sanctuary you want it to be.
                                              (January 2
      Don’t feel guilty about taking care of yourself,   (January 20 – February 18) anned, but that     Gemini
                                              2020 hasn’t gone at all as pl
      even if it means taking a break from the state of
      even if it means taking a break from the state of   2020 hasn’t gone at all as planned, but that   Gemini
      the world once in a while.
                                              doesn’t mean you have to scrap every-
                                                                                    (May 21 – June 20)
      the world once in a while.              doesn’t mean you have to scrap every-  (May 21 – June 20)
                                                                                    You feel unstoppable these days, Gemini. Your
                                              thing—though it may mean some of your

        Libra                                 thing—though it may mean some of your   You feel unstoppable these days, Gemini. Your
                                                                                    mind is on fire with ideas. Problems you were
                                              intentions have shifted over the last several
      Libra                                   intentions have shifted over the last several   mind is on fire with ideas. Problems you were
                                              months. Don’t be stubborn in thinking you
                                                                                    trying to work through in the spring or sum-
      (September 23 – October 22)
      (September 23 – October 22)             months. Don’t be stubborn in thinking you   trying to work through in the spring or sum-
                                              need to stick to your original plan if it’s no
                                                                                    mer are now feeling much easier to sort
      It’s not your responsibility to take on the
      It’s not your responsibility to take on the   need to stick to your original plan if it’s no   mer are now feeling much easier to sort
      weight of the world, Libra. But this month, you
                                              longer suitable. If anyone can adapt it’s you,
      weight of the world, Libra. But this month, you   longer suitable. If anyone can adapt it’s you,   through.
                                              Aquarius, and this month offers some inno-
      might feel like you’re a sponge that’s soaking up
                                                                                    Confidence is on your side this month, so use
      might feel like you’re a sponge that’s soaking up   Aquarius, and this month offers some inno-  Confidence is on your side this month, so use
      everyone else’s problems as though they are
                                                                                    your time wisely when it comes to your own
                                              vative new ideas that can help you stay on
      everyone else’s problems as though they are   vative new ideas that can help you stay on   your time wisely when it comes to your own
                                              track or pivot if you need to.
      your own.
                                                                                    projects. You’ll get so much further ahead if
      your own.                               track or pivot if you need to.        projects. You’ll get so much further ahead if
      Don’t feel guilty about taking care of yourself,
                                                                                    you focus on your own plans rather than trying

      Don’t feel guilty about taking care of yourself,                              you focus on your own plans rather than trying
      even if it means taking a break from the state of   Pisces                    to solve everyone else’s problems instead.
      even if it means taking a break from the state of   Pisces                    to solve everyone else’s problems instead.
      the world once in a while.              (February 19 – March 20)
                                              (February 19 – March 20)
      the world once in a while.
                                              You might be feeling a bit torn this month,   Cancer
                                              You might be feeling a bit torn this month,
      Scorpio                                 Pisces. You feel like you’re in a world where   (June 21 – July 22)
                                                                                    (June 21 – July 22)
                                              Pisces. You feel like you’re in a world where
      (October 23 – November 21)              you’re not always sure if you fit in, or if you   Comfort and ease are your words of the
      (October 23 – November 21)
                                              you’re not always sure if you fit in, or if you
                                                                                    Comfort and ease are your words of the
      Balance? What balance? You don’t like to do   can really be yourself at all. But at the same   month, Cancer. You are craving joy and flow
                                                                                    month, Cancer. You are craving joy and flow
                                              can really be yourself at all. But at the same
      Balance? What balance? You don’t like to do
      things halfway, Scorpio: Once you’re into   time, you want to be of service. You want to   in all that you do and want to steer clear of any
      things halfway, Scorpio: Once you’re into
                                              time, you want to be of service. You want to
                                                                                    in all that you do and want to steer clear of any
      something, you like to go deep.         do something useful, powerful and im-  unnecessary drama right now.
                                              do something useful, powerful and im-
                                                                                    unnecessary drama right now.
      something, you like to go deep.
      But something new has caught your attention,   portant—without compromising your true   You’re tired of people who make things more
                                                                                    You’re tired of people who make things more
      But something new has caught your attention,
                                              portant—without compromising your true
      creating a push and pull in your life. Do you   spirit.                       complicated than they need to be. Focus on
      creating a push and pull in your life. Do you
                                                                                    complicated than they need to be. Focus on
      stick with what’s familiar, or dare to let yourself   Do one thing for yourself every day this   spending time with the people in your life who
                                                                                    spending time with the people in your life who
      stick with what’s familiar, or dare to let yourself
                                              Do one thing for yourself every day this
      get distracted to explore a new horizon?   month that you wouldn’t normally do.   are easy to hang out with. Keep plans minimal
      get distracted to explore a new horizon?
                                              month that you wouldn’t normally do.
                                                                                    are easy to hang out with. Keep plans minimal
                                                                                    and simple. Avoid micro-managers and high-
      There’s only one of you to go around, and for
      There’s only one of you to go around, and for                                 and simple. Avoid micro-managers and high-
      someone who likes to be all-in, you like to take   Aries                      maintenance relationships as best you can right
      someone who likes to be all-in, you like to take
                                                                                    maintenance relationships as best you can right
      your time in deciding what to commit to.   (March 21 – April 19)              now.
                                              (March 21 – April 19)
      your time in deciding what to commit to.
                                              A big risk you’ve taken this year is starting
                                              A big risk you’ve taken this year is starting
      Sagittarius                             to pay off. You’ve given yourself the time
                                              to pay off. You’ve given yourself the time
      (November 22 – December 21)             and space to move ahead with a personal
      (November 22 – December 21)
                                              and space to move ahead with a personal
      Practice patience this month, Sagittarius. Your   priority.
      Practice patience this month, Sagittarius. Your
       18                                                                                              “ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር“                                                    ድንቅ መጽሔት -  ነሐሴ  2012
       18                                                                                              “ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር“                                                    ድንቅ መጽሔት -  ነሐሴ  2012
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