P. 35

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                 DATING CORNER

         I                                   (By Dr. Tseday)                       cause she’s let him come back over and
                                             ple’s ultimate goal is to rekindle their
                    t is true that all couples
                    fight and I am not one to
                                             flames and get back to harmonious ways,
                                                                                   over and over. So why would it be differ-
                                             then not all is fair in love and war. Here
                                                                                   ent this time? This is my thought. Isn’t it
                    express an opinion in fa-
                                             are few examples of seemingly benign
                                                                                   amazing that he needs a “neutral” person
                    vor or against couples hav-
                    ing disagreements. Person-
                                                                                   “neutral” person to tell him how to act like
                                             vate practice that have ruined marriages
                    ally, I would rather they
                                                                                   a husband? Really? Is he trying to tell her
         not fight, but no rational person—  language that I have come across in pri-  to tell him to Man-Up? He needs a
                                             and relationships.
         myself included—would ever advocate                                       that that a “neutral” person was the key
         that a relationship subsists without any    1. It doesn’t matter to me.   ingredient that could straighten him up? So
         disagreements because we all know it is    2. We always do what you want.   all those years he failed to fulfill his obliga-
         impossible to do so. But we can all    3. What’s it to you?               tion as a husband and a father it was be-
         agree that fights ought not be personal,    4. You did what you did, I’m gonna do       cause he didn’t have a “neutral” person
         and all of us need to learn how to fight         what I’m gonna do        telling him what to do? “Nice line!,” I’d
         properly. Thus the first thing to do is   .5. This is your 100th time     say, but she’s bought this before. I told her
         learn about the context of what is a   .6. You’re not perfect either.     this: “The ONLY time you even come
         fight? There are two aspects of a fight:    7. I’ll let you know when I’m ready.   close to considering taking him back into
         (1) the disagreement about an issue, (2)    8. I’ve gotta go. Later.      your home is when he has demonstrated
         the verbal exchange with the other per-   9. Please don’t act like you care.   he IS finally a man, NOT before. When he
         son. These two aspects are unfortunate-  10.Just don’t tell me what to do.   gets a job, gets his own place, pays his own
         ly inseparable as couples cannot express                                  rent, pays for his clothes, and feeds him-
         disagreements without actually talking       My hope is that we all learn how to   self, you’ll consider. When he sets up a
         to or dealing with one another. If there   fight not against each other but about   home neary by so that his children can see
         was a way for a couple to fight and ulti-  issues pertinent to the betterment of the   him everyday, you’ll consider. When he
         mately reach an agreement without ever   relationship, and that we stay on topic   comes by everyday to have dinner with his
         having to talk to another, it would be   without veering towards personal attacks.   children, you’ll consider. When he supports
         ideal and we would all welcome such   In order to learn how to fight properly,   the home financially, you’ll consider. When
         technology. Until that day, we just have   we need to anticipate when our language,   he contributes in the care of the children,
         to do it the old -fashioned way: with   though colloquial in today’s parlance,   you’ll consider.” He has to do all these, at
         words; and hopefully we do it without   gets more personal and less to the point.   the very minimum, for two years BEFORE
         using “fighting words.” My concern   It may seem harmless at the beginning   coming into the house. Then, and only
         with couples fighting is that, instead of   but such reasoning is a slippery slope   then, should he be considered to return. In
         fighting about a particular issue, they   because it is inevitable that such personal   the meantime, she ought not to sit around
         end up fighting with each other.    criticism could be a relationship-killer.     waiting to see what may become of him.
                                                                                   She ought not put her life on hold for him.
         When we fight with each other (not     DON’T BE FOOL She finally got the   Instead, she should continue with her cou-
         about the issue) we say hurtful things   courage to kick him out of the house.   rageous journey of discovering her self and
         that have nothing to do with the issue   She is now working on herself, putting   building herself from the ground up  “CY”.
         that started the fight initially. At the end   together her life. So the other day, he   …stay strong.
         the fight gets ugly and it simply be-  says to her, “I’m willing to talk to a
         comes about “who can hurt the other   “neutral” person and work on our rela-     Dr. Tseday is a clinical psychologist and
         the most?” And if that is the case, then   tionship.” He told her he wants to re-  one of the country's leading experts in mar-
         people feel compelled to retaliate by   turn. Really? He wants to come back to   riage, relationships, and self development.
         saying cruel, atrocious and hurtful   the comfort and warmth of her home   She advocates a unique and at times con-
         things about each other whereby they   and “work it out?” Is he kiddin’? Does   troversial approach to the dynamics of
         feel vindicated because as the saying   he not know that he has to grow up first   marriage and personal development, the
         goes: “all is fair in love and war.” How-  before he comes back? On second   necessary element for a successful relation-
         ever, after a legitimate fight, if a cou-  thought.…No, he doesn’t know this be-  ship

           DINQ MEGAZINE       November 2020                                           STAY SAFE                                                                                    35
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