P. 37


                                              MUGABE’S CORNER

         Talking about finding the “right” per-
         son… Question is… Are you the per-
         son you are looking for is looking for??
         Huh??                                 I  R

                                                              f God hasn’t                                  eturning to
                                                              blessed you with a                            your Ex is
         If you think you are too small to make a             car yet, He proba-
         difference, then you haven’t spent a                                                               like watch-
         night with a mosquito in your bedroom.   bly like the way you walk.          ing Titanic the second time and
                                                                                      expecting the ship not sink.

         Facebook should have a limit on how
         many times one can update a relation-
         ship status. After 3 times, it should be   W  S
         default to ‘unstable’.
                                                                      hen a man                       o condoms are
                                                                      crying too                      made by human
                                                                      much with                       for humans to
         It sucks being a grown up. Nobody tells   a loud voice at a funeral just
         you that you did a good job when you                                         prevent human to make hu-
         eat all of your food.                 know that he is trying to avoid        mans. If your boyfriend is 5
                                               contributions.                         years older than you, you have
                                                                                      to address him with respect,

         Well… I’ve realized that instead of                                          you should call him
         posting all my problems on Facebook, I                                       “Honorable love, Mr honey
         decided to find solutions for them on                                        and Sir bea”

         I wish some people come with “You                         on’t be de-
         can skip in 5 seconds” Option.                            ceived……           O

                                                                   Ladies do                           ne day people
                                               have their transport fare. There                        will respect
         No matter how educated, talented, rich,   is this money kept in their bags
         or cool you believe you are, how you   they carry called “if you misbe-                       your whole
         treat others tells it all. Integrity is every-  have”                                         family just be-
         thing!!!                                                                     cause of you… Am talking to

                                                                                      you the one reading this post…

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