Page 49 - DinQ 222 July 2021
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                                                Presently,  there  are  65  members  of   Although  the  church  has  ex-
            Since then the Ethiopian Or-                                                            panded  a  great  deal
          thodox    Tewahedo      Church                                                            throughout  the  Carib-
          (EOTC)  in  the  Caribbean  has                                                           bean,  there  are  still
          been  expanded  considerably  to                                                          several challenges fac-
          the rest of the Caribbean coun-                                                           ing  the  EOTC  in  the
          tries  and  the  Americas.  EOTC                                                          Caribbean,     among
          subsequently    expanded     to                                                           these  are  languages,
          North America in 1959, when a                                                             cultural and traditional
          group of  Ethiopian priests and                                                           barriers,  together  with
          deacons  were  sent  from  Ethio-                                                         the  need  for  greater
          pia  to  the  Americas  by  the  or-                                                      presence  of  Ethiopian
          der  of  Emperor Haile  Selassie,   በካሪቢያን ከሚገኙት ትልቁ ደብረ ገነት አማኑኤል ቤተ ክርስቲያን              clergy       members
          with  the  blessing  of  the  then                  ምዕመናን ሲያስቀድሱ                          throughout  the  Carib-
          Patriarch,    His     Holiness                                                            bean. Additionally, the
          Abuna Basilios,  for  ad-                                                    Rastafari  community  in  the  Carib-
          vanced study.                                                                bean  who  have  identified  them-
                                                                                       selves  with  the  African/Ethiopian
            Presently    there   are                                                   identity,  have  found  spiritual  har-
          twenty-five (25) Ethiopian                                                   mony  and  self-contentment  by  ob-
          Orthodox        Tewahedo                                                     serving the EOTC as their religion
          Church  throughout  the                                                      of  choice.  Thus,  these  same  chal-
          Caribbean. Thechurch was                                                     lenges  motivates  them  to  continue
          also  introducedto  Guyana                                                   the  traditional  practices  of  the
          in1953,  Jamaica in 1970,                                                    EOTC,  while  seeking  to  integrate
          Bahamas in 1978, St. Kitts      የደብረ ገነት አማኑኤል ቤተ ክርስቲያን አገልግሎት
          in  1979,  Martinique  in
          2004,  Guadeloupe  in  2005,  Barba-  the  Caribbean  born  clergy,  trained
          dos  in  2009  and  Antigua  in  2009.   by  Ethiopians,  in  the  Archdiocese
                                                lending   their   support   to   the
                                                Archbishop  in  administering  the

                                                   His  Grace  Abuna  Thaddaeus  is
                                                the current Archbishop for the Arch-
                                                diocese  of  the  Caribbean  and  Latin
                                                America, and has served the people
                                                of  the  Caribbean  along  with  the
                                                Head  Administrator  Archimandrite
                                                Abba Gebreyesus. The headquarters
                                                for EOTC is located in Trinidad and
                                                Tobago   and the Patriarch has vis-
                                                ited the Caribbean on two occasions.
                                                The first visit  occurred in 1973 by    ኢትዮጵያዊያን በኪንግስተን ቅድሥት ስላሴ
                                                His  Eminence  Abuna  Theophilos           ቤተ ክርስቲያን ቅጥር ግቢ ውስጥ።
                                                when  he  returned  to  the  Caribbean
                                                as Patriarch and the second visit by   their  Rastafari  religious  practices
          Holy Trinity EOTC Kingston Jamaica Dakon    His  Eminence  Abuna  Paulos  oc-  (eg.  ganja  sacrament;  Nyabinghi
                                                curred in 1993.
                                                                                       drumming)  in  their  newly-adopted

              DINQ MEGAZINE       April      2021                                              STAY SAFE                                                                                  49
          DINQ magazine                 July 2021       Stay Safe                                                     49

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