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P. 5
inserted the link into a QR code generator you can find online just by typing out
‘QR code generator’, the website will help you to convert the survey into a QR code
which we then printed and pasted around the school walls.
It was an innovative idea since everyone finds it easier to answer surveys using
their phones by typing quickly, rather than traditionally writing out the responses.
Another good reason is that when we collect datas using QR scanners, the people
who took the survey can remain anonymous which gives privacy and increases the
comfort level to the people to take the survey and write their true, honest opinions.
We asked our surveyors questions such as, ‘How do you feel about homosexuality?’,
‘How did you find out about the LGBTQ?’. These types of questions were asked in
the survey so that our group can know how people perceive homosexuals and their
opinions on them, as well as to know how much society educates and inform
people about homosexuality.
Our group made a chart containing a question ‘Do you accept homosexuality’. The
paper is divided into 3 sections in boxes shown in Appendix 3; containing “yes”,
“no” and “maybe” respectively, then people would vote for one of them by pasting
a sticker below their preferred answer. We planned to put this chart on the
noticeboard so that more people would participate in our vote. This process took
about a week. Putting it up on the noticeboard will get more attention not just
from the students, but also from teachers and adults so we can have a variety of
opinions and votes. In addition, it is more convenient to paste a sticker on a paper
on a board and it will only take a quick second to stop, think and paste.