Page 6 - C:\Users\hp\Documents\Flip PDF Professional\2020 research project final report\
P. 6
We can see from Appendix 4 the evidence and result of the survey that most of
the people (80%) who partook in the survey that they accept homosexuality.
Among the different age groups the group that answered this survey the most was
high school students with 68%. However, there were people who beg to differ and
do not accept homosexuality with 4%.
Our initial research of the sticker chart like Appendix 3 to put the chart on a
noticeboard in an easily accessible place over a week, so that a widespread range
of people ranging from students to staff members, both teaching and non-teaching,
were able to respond. However, like appendix 3 it did not turn out well as many
students did not take it seriously but played around with the stickers and placement
of the answers which ruined our data collection. Therefore, we did not have
accurate data for the school. So our research team did not depend on the sticker
chart, but depended on the QR code survey.
We have found that the majority of the people found out about the LGBTQ
through social media with 84.6%, while 11.5% of them learned about people of this
community through documentaries. From this, we can tell that social media is the
most effective and influential way of gaining info and widening their knowledge
about the world. The majority of the comments were positive affirmations towards
the lgbtq, showing their support. Most state that everyone has the right to love
and should fight for their right and cause. This suggests that most of them are
more accepting towards homosexuality, and that they are rooting for their
happiness. The surveyors, representing people of our generation, seem to have the
perspective that people should not be judged based on their sexual orientation.