Page 21 - Fermanagh & Omagh PCSP 1
P. 21

               When shopping online, make sure the web page you   PUBLIC COMPUTERS
                                                   / INTERNET
              are using to enter personal and credit card details, uses   never use a public
               encryption. You can tell if a site uses encryption by:
              • The web address will always start with “http.”  or shared computer
                                                     or internet
              • There is a “padlock” icon at the bottom  to make a payment.
                  of browser frame.
                  PHISHING                        CARD SKIMMING
                Be Aware of Phishing            Be aware card skimming
               attacks used by email              where a retailer or
                 scammers to get                  restaurant would
               you to visit illegitimate          copy details of your
                 websites to steal                 credit card for
                 your passwords                   future purchases.
                 and credit card
                 This is done by                    ANTI VIRUS
 YOUR IDENTITY  YOU MAY BE  clicking links in emails  Make sure you have
 CAN BE USED TO:  A VICTIM IF:  which are supposed  the latest antivirus
                  to take you to
   • Open a bank account     • You notice unfamiliar  items on your  trusted sites.  and fire walls installed
   • Order goods in your name       bank and credit card statements.  on your computer.
   • Apply for credit cards    • You receive statements for accounts you
   • Apply for loans        did not open or know about
   • Apply for state benefits    • Your mail, particularly  your bank / credit  SOCIAL  UNSOLICITED EMAILS  BIn RAIDING
   • Get mobile phone  contracts       card statements etc go missing.  Avoid opening and
   • Sell your assets like  your home    • You have lost important documents  NETWORKING SITES  Avoid throwing away
   • Apply for passports       like your passport or driving license  If you use social  responding to unsolicited   letters, statements and
   • Apply for driving license     • You are refused credit or benefit   networking sites, limit the   emails, particularly if they   envelopes with your
   • Get married in your name       applications for no good reason.  amount of personal  appears to be from your   address and personal
                information you give  bank or building society   details.
                 away and set up  asking for your security or   These can be used to
               tough privacy settings.  personal details.  Steal your identity.
              • never share your passwords with anyone   Wi-Jacking does not just refer
                                                to someone using an
              • Avoid using  obvious passwords like your family  unprotected Wi-Fi connection
                 names / important dates which can be guessed.  to access the internet. Hackers
              • Regularly change your passwords  can also use unprotected Wi-Fi
              • Avoid using same passwords in various websites.
                                              connections to hack into the
                                              personal information held
                                                on your computer.

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