Page 22 - Fermanagh & Omagh PCSP 1
P. 22
Anti-sociAl behAviour
Anti- Social Behaviour includes a variety of behaviour
covering a whole complex of selfish and unacceptable activity
that can blight the quality of community life. Other terms
such as ‘nuisance’, ‘neighbourhood dispute’ and ‘disorder’
are also used to describe some of this type of behaviour/s.
(Department of Justice website)
The Home Office introduced
Anti-Social Behaviour Incident
Types and Definition in April
2011, which include:
• ASB: PERSONAL Targeted
at an individual or group
rather than the community.
It causes concern, stress,
annoyance and fear.
• ASB: NUISANCE Targeted
at community rather than
individuals. It interferes with
public interests including
health, safety & quality of life.
Targeted at places and
surroundings including natural,
built and social environment.
Abuse of environment can
have an impact on mood and
sense of well-being.
NiSaferCommunties2020mk2.indd 20 14/10/2020 12:56:02