Page 30 - Fermanagh & Omagh PCSP 1
P. 30

What is bullying?
               Bullying is persistent unwelcome
               behaviour, mostly using unwarranted
               criticism, nit-picking, fault-finding,
               also exclusion, being singled out
               and treated differently, being
               shouted at, humiliated,
               having verbal and written
               warnings imposed, and much more.
               End Bullying

               Effects of Bullying
              • Low self esteem/confidence
              • Stress, fear, anxiety, sleeplessness, fatigue
              • Feel depressed, shy, withdrawn and isolated
              • Poor academic achievement through truancy
              • Stress related physical complaints - stomach pains, headaches
               and feeling ill

               Physical         Emotional        Social
              • Hitting, kicking,  • Name calling/  • Spreading
               scratching       other remarks   malicious rumours
              • Damage to      • Insulting phone  • Teasing, tormenting,
               property, clothes,  and text messages   ridiculing in public
               mobile, bag, books  • Racist bullying:  • Leaving out or
              • Stealing property,  graffiti/jokes  excluding from
               mobile, lunch etc  • Ridiculing religion,  activities
              • Threatening    dress, customs,  • Public humiliation,
               gestures, fights  food & culture   insults & ridicule

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