Page 33 - Fermanagh & Omagh PCSP 1
P. 33
• Stay alert and confident even when
you don’t feel it.
• Avoid walking home alone,
especially through danger spots.
• Do not challenge or face the
perpetrators yourself.
• Carry a personal alarm and use it.
• Always keep money for taxis
• Have your keys in your hand when you reach your home or car
• Always consider the safety of yourself and your family first
• Dial 999 if you feel threatened or in danger of violence
• Record everything you saw or heard during the incident
• Record details about the offender and their car
• Do not destroy evidence by showering or changing clothes
• Do not panic, stay calm and wait for the police to arrive
A racist incident is any incident which is perceived to
be racist by the victim or any other person (Macpherson)
So report any incidents to the police
In emergencies dial 999
NiSaferCommunties2020mk2.indd 31 13/10/2020 11:09:33