Page 56 - Fermanagh & Omagh PCSP 1
P. 56
general Powers of the Police
Most of the rules that cover police behaviour are set down in codes of practice.
The police must follow these rules.
Powers of entry With a warrant the police can
Police can enter premises to:- force entry if:-
• deal with a breach of the peace or prevent it • the occupier has refused entry; or
• enforce an arrest warrant • Unable to communicate with the
• search the place you were arrested and
the place you were before you were occupier;
arrested • the occupier is absent or premises
• arrest a person in connection with unoccupied
an offence The police can seize property if they
• recapture someone who has escaped have reasonable grounds for believing
• with a search warrant to search the that it is stolen or is evidence in
premises, or even without if it would relation to a crime.
hinder the investigation to ask for
• Reasonable concern for persons safety
to protect life
Stop and search Powers of arrest
The police can stop and search you: The police can arrest you if:
• If they think they will find stolen • they have a valid arrest warrant
goods, a weapon, or any article • you are committing an offence, or
adapted for burglary • they think you are about to commit
• If permission has been given to make an offence
stops and searches in a specific area • they cannot get/don’t believe your name
(under the Terrorism Act 2000) • you haven’t given a satisfactory address
• The police can search you in any • with a search warrant to search the
place open to the public, but not in premises, or even without if it would hinder
your home and garden. the investigation to ask for permission.
• for causing an obstruction on the highway
• to allow prompt and effective investigation
of an offence, or to prevent an investigation
being hindered by your disappearance
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