Page 57 - Fermanagh & Omagh PCSP 1
P. 57
Your rights at the Police Station: THE PROCESS
• You have the right to be informed of why
you have been detained Informed of the reason you have
• You have the right to be represented by a been arrested
solicitor free of charge
• You have the right to have someone
informed of your arrest Cautioned / Informed
• You have the right to look at the Police Code of your rights
of Practice
• You have the right to remain silent but it may Provided with opportunity to
harm your case if you do not mention Speak to your Solicitor
something you later rely on in court
• You have the right to be released after 24 Photographed, fingerprinted, DNA
hours if not charged. A senior police officer swabbed or specimen samples
can authorize a further 12 hours taken, and seen by a doctor.
You may take part in an
identification process.
STATION Interviewed
not Charged Charged
Held in
If you have learning If you are under 18 Freed Released Custody
On Bail
disability years of age
• If you have learning • Your parent or
disability, a guardian should be If you are from abroad:
responsible adult informed as soon as • You have the right to
must be present possible contact your embassy
at the interview • You should not be or consulate
• If you have hearing interviewed until your • You have the right to an
or speech problems, parent or guardian is interpreter before the
the police must get present interview
you an interpreter
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