Page 52 - Fermanagh & Omagh PCSP 1
P. 52


                Exposure   Sexual Assault  Indecent  Kerb Crawling
              A person commits    To intentionally &  Photographs  Solicitation It is an
             an offence if he/she  sexually touch (with  A person commits an  offence for a person
               intentionally  any part of the body  offence if he has in his  in a street or other
              exposes his/her   or anything else)  possession any inde-  public place to solicit
              genitals & intends   another person with-  cent photograph of a  another person for
                                        child or takes, or
                                                     the purpose of
              that someone will  out their consent and  permits to be taken any  obtaining their sexual
              see them and be    without reasonable  indecent photograph  services as
              caused alarm or   belief that they  of a child or distributes  a prostitute.
                 distress.   consent.   any such photographs.
                 Rape                               Sexual Activity
              Rape is when a male
             intentionally penetrates   SEXUAL       with a Child
               the vagina, mouth                     Intentionally
               or anus of another                    and sexually
             person, male or female
             (including wife, husband   OFFENCES   touching or having
              or civil partner), with               sexual activity
              his penis, without that               with someone
              persons consent or
                understanding                          under 16.

    Causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent
    Arranging or facilitating the commission of a child sex offence
    Causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity
    Causing a child to watch a sexual act
    Paying for sexual services of a child
    Causing/Inciting, arranging/facilitating child prostitution/pornography
    Administrating a substance to overpower a person for sexual activity
    Controlling child prostitute
    Observing another person doing a sexual act
    Meeting a child following sexual grooming
    Trafficking in UK for sexual exploitation
    Committing an offence with an intent to commit a sexual offence
    Trespass with intent to commit a sexual offence
    Intercourse with an animal
    Sexual penetration of a corpse
    Keeping a brothel
    Committing an act outraging public decency
 Engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child
 Sexual communication with a child
 Abuse of position offences
 Familial sexual offences

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