Page 28 - DESCENSOS20222
P. 28

SECU/CUE                           JEPPESEN                  CUENCA, ECUADOR
            Apt Elev  8306'               10 JUN 22  10-9                    MARISCAL LAMAR
            S02 53.4 W078 59.1

               79-00                                    78-59
                   Noise Abatement Procedure:
                   Climb to V2 + 10 kts to a height no less than
                   800' above the airport elevation before reducing
                   power; continue climbing at V2 + 10 kts to 3000';                03^W
                   clean the aircraft and proceed with instrument
                   departure and/or visual.
              02-53                                                                        02-53
                   Climb with V2 + 10 kts, or a bank angle of 15^,           24
                   whichever is the most limiting.                            235^
                   Note: This procedure does not apply to aircraft that   Elev 8256'
                   meet the requirements of Stage IV (ICAO).
                                                                        PARKING SPOT COORDINATES
                                                      ARP             SPOT NO.    COORDINATES
                                        Control Tower                    1     S02 53.4 W078 59.3
                                                   A 6227'1898m       2 thru 5  S02 53.4 W078 59.2
                                                                    78-59.3         78-59.2 5
                                                                            2 2A           02-53.4
                                  06 055^  Elev 8306'                   1

                     Circling South East of Airport is prohibited,                      B
                     if the intention is to use APCH PAPI Rwy 06.
                     Circling South East of Airport is authorized           D
              02-54  only for VFR. PAPI system Rwy 06 cannot be used.  02-54    C
                     Feet  0   1000   2000   3000   4000
                    Meters  0  200  400  600  800  1000  1200
               79-00                                    78-59
                                                                    78-59.3         78-59.2
                                       ADDITIONAL RUNWAY INFORMATION
                                                                    USABLE LENGTHS
                                                              LANDING BEYOND
              RWY                                           Threshold  Glide Slope  TAKE-OFF  WIDTH
             06      HIRL  REIL     PAPI-L(angle 3.0^) 1                                    118'
                 24  HIRL    REIL     HIALS       PAPI-R (angle 3.2^)  5414' 1650m           36m

             1 PAPI operable in VFR conditions up to 4 NM; circling prohibited to the southeast.


                                                   All Rwys
            1 & 2
            3 & 4                                 250m -4000m

            CHANGES:  PAPI note.                                    | JEPPESEN, 2003, 2022. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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