Page 23 - Layout 1
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Page 23:Layout 1  04/12/2013  20:20  Page 1

                                                                  EAST HANNINGFIELD                          23
                                                                   EAST HANNINGFIELD
                                                                     MARGARET CAIRNS
                                                                     MARGARET CAIRNS
                                                                          MIXED TRIPLES
                                                                          MIXED TRIPLES
                                                                  Congratulations  goes  out  to  Woodlands
                                                                  team winning the Margret Cairns triples Me-
                                                                  morial Rose Bowl. It was fantastic to see so
                                                                  many bowlers turn out for this competition,
                                                                  Margaret was a much loved person at East
                                                                  Hanningfield and in Honour of her memory
                   Winners Woodlands - left to right               we run a yearly competition of which the
               Debbie Cairns, Peggy May, Dave Sifford,             family donated the rose bowl.
                John May (Manager) & Dominic Reed.                      It been 6 years since Margaret passed

            away who worked  hard behind  the scenes  in
            raising  money  for  charity  (Hearing  Dogs  for
            Deaf  People)  and  it  was  fitting  to  see  her
            Daughter  Debbie  present  the  trophy  to  the
            overall winners Woodlands
                  There were 3 Groups of five teams with
            the group winners being Woodlands, Sanguine
            2 and Burham - the runners up of the groups
             WYGREEN MATS
              WYGREEN MATS

                                                                   Finalists Hannakins Farm - John, Robert
                VERDE MATS                                              & Joan Wade with Debbie Cairns
                VERDE MATS
                                                                   were Sanguine 1, OCBC 1 and Hannakins
                                                                   Farm. Going through to qualify with those
                IF YOU CAN BUY CHEAPER                             teams, were the two best 3rd / 4th place
                IF YOU CAN BUY CHEAPER
              ELSEWHERE WE WILL MATCH                              teams OCBC 2 and St Andrews.
                     IT AND REFUND THE                                   The quarter finals line up saw Wood-
                      IT AND REFUND THE
                           DIFFERENCE!                             lands beat OCBC 2  12 shots to 3, San-
                                                                   guine 2 beat St Andrews 16 - 2, OCBC 1
                                      CALL US                      beat Burham 10 - 1 and Hannakins Farm
                                      CALL US
                                                                   beat Sanguine 1  9 - 7.
                                         01903                     lands  against  OCBC  1,  with  Woodlands
                                                                         The  Semi  Final  line-up  saw  Wood-
                                        201345                     winning 8 - 6 and Hannakins Farm beating
                                                                   Sanguine two 9 - 6. The final was a close
                                                                   fought  contest  with  Woodlands  against
                    check out our prices                           Hannakins farm, with Woodlands emerging
                    check out our prices
                 for all bowls equipment                           as the eventual winners 10 shots to 4.
                 for all bowls equipment
                                                                         John May the Woodlands team Man-
                 and accessorieson-line
                 and accessorieson-line                            ager was elated with the result, the team
                            consisting of Dominic Reed, Peggy May
                                                                   and Dave Sifford, played well all day and
                                                                   deserved  to  be  the  overall  winners,  the
              Worthing Bowls Centre                                Runners up Hannakins  Farm consisting of
              Worthing Bowls Centre
               We supply anywhere you want!
               We supply anywhere you want!                        John and Joan Wade with their Son Robert
                                                                   skipping played well.
                                                                            Steve Killington
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