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Page 26:Layout 1  04/12/2013  20:28  Page 1

            26                 THE ESMBA “Administration Press Release”
                               THAT WAS NEVER SENT TO THE PRESS

           It apparently read:-
                 Effective as of May 1st, Keith Hawkins and Chris Hopkins will be taking on the administration
           for an initial period of one year. The concept agreed by the management committee was that with
           the vast experience held by Chris and Keith it would be possible to enhance the services already
           provided by the ESMBA on a more professional and timely basis thus allowing the committee time
           to focus on future planning and events rather than spending time fire fighting past events as in the
           case at present.
                 Keith will concentrate on the insurance aspect as his primary responsibility and Chris will ini-
           tially set about resurrecting the coaching scheme and all its various aspects.
                 Keith and Chris will be available on a daily basis between 10.00am and 6.00pm and can be
           reached on their usual numbers although there are plans to put an 0845 number in operation thus
           giving all of our members the ability to make contact at a local call rate charge.
                 Counties and clubs will be able as part of the operation to call upon both during the weekdays
           should they wish to put on special functions where they may not have the necessary personnel to
           operate it.
                 The setting up of this particular administration presents a win win situation for ESMBA as
           both personnel will be financed by a third party which will save not only on an administration fee
           being paid but will also allow a saving on some expenses currently being claimed.
                 The concept being discussed is that it will give the ESMBA an opportunity for the committee
           to spend more time moving forward and will also give an insight into further savings which can be
           gained by slimming down the committee in the future which will have a knock on effect with regard
           to travelling expenses and future expenses.
                 Both Keith and Chris are excited about the future and see these steps as positive movement
           forward for the betterment of our association.

                 Apparently this was sent to every county in the ESMBA and this was what I extracted from
           one county but as usual the ESMBA Committee being its own Sometime Secret Society never
           bothered to send the only magazine for the sport a copy - so what’s new? I have held back on
           speaking my mind for a number of years on what I see as the dictatorial attitude of the ESMBA
                 I have heard a lot of what has gone on at committee meetings the big personality clashes
           and the fallouts and the private views expressed to me etc. etc. which horrified me but nothing of
           this has ever been reproduced in the magazine, nor will it be unless it ever becomes really critical.
           I would stress very strongly that this article is my private view created by the frustration I have felt
           for a number of years and I’m “getting it off my chest.” And I do not need any replies or comments
           to print please!
                 It seems to me that the committee reached the limits of its ability some time ago and giving
           notice of this article to a committee member I said the ESMBA has lost its way, he replied “the
           ESMBA lost its way 10 years ago”. I would be the first to say that they may have worked hard in
           some areas and having previously served over 14 years on the committee I would be the first to
           recognise this but where’s the sports promotion, what happened to the much lauded Coaching
           Scheme and why are committee vacancies not published more openly?  Sending AGM notices
           out to counties, who mostly don’t pass on ESMBA information, is certainly a poor way of recruiting
           skilled people. Personally, I would put a time limit on committee membership, say 10 years then
           a year of before they can serve another 5.
                 I certainly do not believe the committee should vote on matters of finance as it’s the member’s
           money. If I remember right, when they put a proposal forward to increase membership fees by a
           pound, the majority of counties present at the AGM did not vote in favour but the Committee votes
           carried the proposal. At the last AGM I asked how much money the ESMBA had and the answer
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