Page 30 - Layout 1
P. 30
Page 30:Layout 1 04/12/2013 20:33 Page 1
By Damien Allison
By Damien Allison
It has been quite a while since I sent an update from Cebu. To be honest, the bowls pretty
much died here in mid-2011 because we lost our venue. It took us quite a while to get
organized again, but fortunately we found a new venue at the start of this year. We are
playing in a pub car park, which means we sometimes play in the rain, but at least we
are playing! We play every Sunday, so we have a decent core of players, which continues
to grow as we spread the word. We finally played our first club pairs championships
since 2010.
2013 Club Pairs Championships & Farewell Tom
2013 Club Pairs Championships & Farewell Tom
This was a dual event, being both a send-off for club stalwart, Tom White, combined
with the return of the Club Pairs Championships. It was great to see bowlers competing
once again and so many more coming for a beer in honour of Tom. There was a great
crowd and atmosphere around the bar throughout the afternoon.
Almost a Washout
Almost a Washout
The afternoon started with everyone wondering if we would actually be able to bowl at
all. No sooner had Ronald rolled out the mats, the heavens opened. Fortunately it
stopped and Neil had the bright idea of rolling up the mats, squeezing as much of the
water out as possible and then sweeping the floor area of excess water. This worked a
treat as the mats bowled very well. Thanks to Neil, John and Tony for helping out with
the rolling, sweeping and squeezing.
A Strong Field Guarantees New Champions
A Strong Field Guarantees New Champions
The Club Pairs Championships were last held in 2010 and with players able to select
their own partners, there were two thing's certain about the 2013 edition. First was that
we would be guaranteed new champions as all three previous events had been won by
the husband and wife pairing of Geoff and Annilou Thomas. As neither of them had en-
tered this year, two new names would be etched onto the trophy.