Page 33 - Layout 1
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Page 33:Layout 1  04/12/2013  20:25  Page 1

                 WARNERS                                                              Barbara  &  David      33
                                                                                      kept  their  form  in
                 LAKESIDE                                                             the final and scored
            In  the  opening  evenings                                                a 9 - 2 victory over Robin
            bowls  drive,  two  fives                                                 & Jean.
            along the way helped Ken                                                        In the Triples quar-
            Clark,  Jim  Prime,  Elinor                                               ters, Iris Nicholls, Barry &
            Pilgrem & Christine Uphill                                                Judy  Edney  beat  Kate
            gain a plus of 19 shots as                                                Smith,  Roy  &  Christine
            the top team.                                                             Uphill  9  -  5.  Meanwhile,
                In the Singles quarter                                                Ron Seabrook, Pat Tatnell
            finals Ken Clark was given                                                &  David  Linzell  edged
            a fright by Barbara Buse,             Finalist David French               home 9 - 8.
            who  led  7  -  2  after  five      with Champion Ken Clark                     It  was  the  same  in
            ends but Ken fought back                                                  the match between Jean
            to win 9 - 7. Not so tough for                                         Ide, Robin & Jean Germany
            Ann  Curtis  who  romped                                               who snatched a last end win
            home 12 - 1 over Pat Collier.                                          by 6 - 5 over Bill Kimberley,
                Colin Pike had a tussle                                            Margaret & Colin Pike. Ann
            with Roy Eade but managed                                              Curtis,  David  &  Barbara
            a  9  -  6  win.  David  French                                        French  had  a  much  easier
            completed the round with an                                            time with an 11 - 2 win over
            11 - 3 win over Trish Gough.                                           Brian Rust, Norman & Sylvia
                David also won his semi-                                           Fowler.
            final 9 - 4 after being down                                                 Ann, David & Barbara
            against Colin Pike. Ken Clark                                          went  even  better  in  their
            also made it to the final scor-                                        semi-final  over  Jean  Ide,
            ing 9 shots without reply from                                         Robin  &  Jean  Germany,
            Ann  Curtis.  The  final  was                                          scoring  12  shots  without
            very  hard  fought  but  Ken                                           reply. In the other semi Ron
            beat David French 7 - 4.                                               Seabrook,  Pat  Tatnell  &
                In the Pairs quarter finals                                        David Linzell almost did the
            Robin & Jean Germany beat                                              same over Iris Nicholls, Barry
            John & Merry Huthwaite 9 -           Seated winners David &            & Judy Edney with a 12 - 1
            3.  Chris  Scott  &  Roy  Eade    Barbara French with finalists        victory.
            beat Bob & Barbara Reeves            Jean & Robin Germany                    The final was set there-
            11 - 2. Barbara & David                                                     fore to be quite a tussle
            French beat Nicky Trick-                                                    and so it proved. By end
            ett & Norman Smith 11 -                                                     four Ron Seabrook, Pat
            6. Completing the round                                                     Tatnell  &  David  Linzell
            Linda Heley & Ken Clark                                                     held a 7 - 1 lead but by
            beat  Trevor  &  Pat                                                        the last end of this best
            Austen 11 - 3.                                                              of ten ends Ann Curtis,
                Linda & Ken started                                                     David & Barbara French
            well in their semi with a                                                   levelled the score 8 - 8.
            5 - 1 lead but Robin &                                                            A  very  tense  and
            Jean  Germany  struck                                                       exciting  sudden  death
            back to win 12 - 7. In the                                                  end  ensued,  with  Ron
            other  semi  Barbara  &                                                     Seabrook, Pat Tatnell &
            David French were in top       Seated winners Ron Seabrook, Pat            David  Linzell  scoring  a
            form  and  beat  Chris        Tatnell & David Linzell with Barbara         vital  single  to  win  the
            Scott & Roy Eade 11 - 2.        & David French and  Ann Curtis             Triples Tournament.
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