Page 21 - Layout 1
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Page 21:Layout 1  04/12/2013  20:14  Page 1

                LANGSTONE                                                                 &  Bill  Wood-     21
                      CLIFF                                                         ward  11  -  9  after
            The opening evenings Fun                                                being 3 - 7 down.
                                                                                          The final turned out to
            Bowls Drive was highly com-                                             be  a  somewhat  one-sided
            petetive  as  usual.  Marlene                                           affair with Lorraine & John
            Paramor, Anthea Bell, Rod-                                              beating Eric & Carol by 12
            ney  Knight  and  Malcolm                                               shots to 3.
            Taylor snatched a nine shot                                                   The  Triples  quarters
            victory finishing 6 - 3 - 3.                                            saw  Dave  Brown,  John  &
                  The  after  dinner  Sin-                                          Mary Lawes ease home by
            gles was as usual the first                                             7 - 2 over Margaret Long,
            competitive event to finish.                                            Anthea & Michael Bell. Ray
            At the semi-final stage Dave                                            Screen  Peter  &  Mavis
            Brown  hit  some  great  form           Finalist Dave Brown             Hardy  disposed  of  John
            over Rodney Knight and won           with winner Eric Hasker            Horsham, Lorraine Axtell &
            8 - 3. His clubmate Lorraine                                             Lucy Brown by 11 - 5, in-
            Axtell  found  herself  6  -  0                                          cluding a 5 on the 3rd end.
            down  after  three  ends  and                                                 Evelyn  March,  Tony
            despite  a  fightback  she                                               Gepp  &  Sheila  King  also
            could not close the gap on                                               scored a five and went on
            Eric Hasker, who won 9 - 7.                                              to beat Pat Griffiths, Dennis
                  Eric  also  got  off  to  a
            great start in the final, lead-                                          & Jean Gooch 13 - 3. Com-
                                                                                     pleting  the  round  Rodney
            ing 5 - 0 after four ends and                                            Knight,  Ros  &  Kevin
            despite  all  the  efforts  of                                           Howarth    beat    Doreen,
            Dave  Brown,  Eric  built  on                                            Steve & Eric Hasker 9 - 2.
            this lead and won 8 - 1.                                                      In  the  semi-finals
                  Eric also had too much
            in the Pairs for Dave Brown                                              Rodney, Ros & Kevin were
                                                                                     another  five  shot  scorers,
            and his wife Lucy, when at                                               which  helped  get  them
            the quarter final stage with                                             back  from  4  -  7  down  to
            Carol Robbins he won 9 - 3.      Seated winners Lorraine Axtell          beat Dave Brown, John &
                  Bill  &  Les  Woodward        & John Horsham with Eric
            also  had  for  more  in  their      Hasker & Carol Robbins              Mary Lawes 12 - 10.
                                                                                          Evelyn, Tony & Sheila
            game and beat Rodney &                                                    completed the final line-up
            Edith Knight 14 - 1. Previ-                                               with  an  11  -  4  win  over
            ous Winners Ann & David                                                   Ray  Screen,  Peter  &
            Summers had a comfort-                                                    Mavis Hardy.
            able Quarter final win by                                                       A  tremendous  final
            10  -  5  over  Norman  &                                                 ensued with Evelyn, Tony
            Marion Beeden. Complet-                                                   &  Sheila  taking  a    4  -  0
            ing the quarters Lorraine                                                 lead  after  two  ends  but
            Axtell  &  John  Horsham                                                  three  consecutive  two’s
            beat  Anthea  &  Michael                                                  saw Rodney Knight, Ros
            Bell 8 - 5 in a hard fought                                               &  Kevin  Howarth  fight
            game.                                                                     back to lead 6 - 4.
                  In  the  semi’s  Lor-
                                                                                            A three put Evelyn,
            raine & John beat fellow                                                  Tony  &  Sheila  back  in
            Devonians  Ann  &  Dave                                                   front and the battle con-
            Summers 8 - 6. The other
            semi  was  a  high  scoring    Seated winners Sheila King, Tony           tinued  right  to  the  last
            game with Eric Hasker &         Gepp & Evelyn March with Ros &            end with Evelyn, Tony &
            Carol Robbins beating Les      Kevin Howarth and Rodney Knight            Sheila snatching victory
                                                                                      by a single shot at 9 - 8.
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