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                       Funds roll in from
                       Funds roll in from
                           charity match
                            charity match
              A competition run by Wellsway Short Mat Bowl-
              ing Club has raised an amazing £500 for Junior
              Diabetes  Research  Fund  IDRF.  The  charity
              aims to 4 help improve the lives of children like
              Sophie Jenkins (see photo), and find a cure for
              Type l diabetes, a condition that means a suf-
              ferer does not produce enough insulin
                    to control blood glucose and requires daily
              medication. Type  l  diabetes  is  less  common             The winners Winterbourne
              than the Type 2 diabetes. 18 Clubs from all over           and Sophie Jenkins with the
              the south west completed in a fantastic comple-                     £500 cheque
              tion. The winning team not only took away Gold Medals and prize money but had the pleasure
              of presenting Sophie Jenkins with a £500 Cheque for the Charity JDRF.  Wellsway Short Mat
              Bowling Club at Wellsway Sports Centre Keynsham, has also started an after School Club
              for Junior Bowlers on Monday afternoons, which is proving very popular.
                    Extracted from the Natterjack by the kind permission of
                    Dave Sawyer

             The pages in this magazine are YOURS why not send in
             The pages in this magazine are YOURS why not send in
                an item on the history of your club or a report on any
                an item on the history of your club or a report on any
             open events you organise, hopefully with a photo of the
             open events you organise, hopefully with a photo of the
               winners and runners-up? The life blood of any sport is
               winners and runners-up? The life blood of any sport is
            publicity and YOU and your club can play a part in letting
            publicity and YOU and your club can play a part in letting
             the world know what a great sport we play. Without pub-
             the world know what a great sport we play. Without pub-
             licity we cannot hope to thrive and grow. Readers letters
             licity we cannot hope to thrive and grow. Readers letters
           can be on any topic regarding our sport and the rules etc.
            can be on any topic regarding our sport and the rules etc.
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