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            Winter 2014 - 15                                3     LETTER FROM THE ESMBA
             Winter 2014 - 15
                                                                  LETTER FROM THE ESMBA
                                                                  A message from the new Chairman
             ISSN 1456 - 0606                                     A message from the new Chairman
              ISSN 1456 - 0606
                                                            4     SHORT MAT CHAT
                                                                  The Editor’s usual ramblings.
                 Annual UK subscription £10.95                    PUTTING THINGS RIGHT
                  Europe £16.95 (Sterling only)             5     PUTTING THINGS RIGHT
                                                                  The ESMBA corrects a great wrong
             Rest of the World £19.95 (Sterling only)             The ESMBA corrects a great wrong
                                                                  BRITISH ISLES CHAMPIONSHIPS
                   for four full issues per year            6     BRITISH ISLES CHAMPIONSHIPS
            Single Copies £6.99 Incl. Postage (UK)                Just about Honours Even
                                                                  Just about Honours Even
                    Editor:   Bob Weafer                          WELLSWAY CHARITY EVENT
                                                                  WELLSWAY CHARITY EVENT
                      16     Courtesy of Dave Sawyer
                                                                  Courtesy of Dave Sawyer
           Short Mat International                                SHORT MAT THROUGH THE LENS
           Short Mat International
                                                                  SHORT MAT THROUGH THE LENS
            Incorporating Short Mat World                  17     From Alan Williams
            Incorporating Short Mat World
           2 Preston Close, Redditch                              WRITING FOR THE MAGAZINE
           2 Preston Close, Redditch
                                                                  WRITING FOR THE MAGAZINE
                    Worcs B98 8RU                          18     A help sheet for article writing
                    Worcs B98 8RU
                                                                  A help sheet for article writing
               Tel: 0121 - 286 - 9449                             HUTTON CLUB NEWS
               Tel: 0121 - 286 - 9449
                                                                  HUTTON CLUB NEWS
                       20     A Charity event & 20th Anniversary
                                                                  A Charity event & 20th Anniversary
                                                                  AVON COUNTY OPEN FOURS
           PLEASE  NOTE: the  entire  staff  of  the       21     AVON COUNTY OPEN FOURS
                                                                  Devon players swoop in
           magazine amounts to just one person - me!              Devon players swoop in
           The magazine is put together in my often               COACHING
           non-existant “spare time”. I regret I do not    22     Looking at gripping your bowls
                                                                  Looking at gripping your bowls
           have the time to reply to letters, so contact
                                                                  PUCKLECHURCH - A CLUB STORY
           me by email or phone.                           25     PUCKLECHURCH - A CLUB STORY
                                                                  By Les Whittock
                The magazine comes out when it comes              By Les Whittock
                                                                  IRISH SHORT MAT REPORT
           out 4 times per year and I’ve managed 22         26    IRISH SHORT MAT REPORT
           years so far. Whatever our eventual publica-           From Seamus Kyne
                                                                  From Seamus Kyne
           tion date you get a full year’s issues.                CORK ZONE NEWS
              Your  patience  and  understanding  is        29
           greatly appreciated, as the alternative is no          From Michael O’Shaugnessy
                                                                  READERS LETTERS
           magazine at all. The views expressed in SMI      30    READERS LETTERS
                                                                  Where you have your say
           are not necessarily those of the publishers            Where you have your say
           nor any of the sport’s controlling bodies and          ORIEL ARE TOP TEAM CHAMPS
                                                                  ORIEL ARE TOP TEAM CHAMPS
           no responsibility can be accepted for them.      32    From James Neil Cheshire Captain
                                                                  From James Neil Cheshire Captain
                No part of this publication may be re-
           produced, copied or stored on any retrieval      34    NORFOLK ROUNDUP
           system without the express approval of the             By Selwyn Goldsmith
                                                                  WINTERBOURNE LONG SERVICE
           Editor.                                          38    WINTERBOURNE LONG SERVICE
                  Bob Weafer Editor                               Members 25 year awards

               Whilst reasonable care has been taken in                          Your Club News or your
                regard to the bona fides of advertisers.                         comments  on  the  sport
             Readers are recommended to take their own                           can fill any of the above
                precautions before making payments.
                                                                                 pages. The magazine ex-
                  Magazine binders                                               ists  to  give  our  great

                hold 3 years issues                                              sport  as  much  publicity
                                                                                 as possible.
                and cost just £6.95                                                      Bobbyweaf

                 including postage.
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