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                                                                BRITISH ISLES
             6                                                  BRITISH ISLES
                                                 SHORT MAT CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                                 SHORT MAT CHAMPIONSHIPS

                                           An unexpected change of venue was forced on the Welsh Associa-
                                           tion as Bodelwyddan Castle’s bowls hall was being demolished and
                                           replaced with new accommodation.  However, the alternative Sel-
                                           wyn Samuel Centre in Llanelli was larger and gave plenty of space
                                           for the bowlers. Especially as this was the very first time that the
                                           main Premier Championships and the “A” team Championships
                                           were being staged together with 16 Mats in constant use throughout
                                           the weekend. This large event does not suit everyone as Scotland
           is being forced to stage their turn next November in England instead of a venue in Scotland.
                 In addition to this new joint event there were other changes for the Championships. The for-
           mat of the team event was also changed with each nation playing the others twice. This was judged
           to be a great success and the players welcomed the extra games as they all invest a lot of their
           time and money to be selected, although older players may have felt the event was more a test of
           stamina as well as skill. All rounds of play were spaced out and staggered over two days and the
           following report condenses the rounds in each discipline into one report.
           SINGLES - Ryan O’Neill wins for Ireland
           SINGLES - Ryan O’Neill wins for Ireland
                                                          England’s Roger Wiggins opened up with an 18 - 13
                                                          victory  over  Wales’  Sean  Hughes.  For  Scotland
                                                          Lawrence Moffat almost got the better of Ireland’s
                                                          Ryan O’Neill but the Irishman held out for a 15 - 14
                                                          win. Ryan followed this up in the next round with su-
                                                          perb 24 - 14 win over Sean Hughes. The wheels
                                                          came off for Roger Wiggins as he went down 17 - 8
                                                          to Lawrence Moffat who turned on the style at 10 - 7.
                                                               In the final round Lawrence also got the better
                                                          of Sean Hughes with another good scoreline at 18 -
           11, ensuring his runners-up spot. This game included an 8 end scoring run by Lawrence without
           reply. Wrapping up his title clinching game, Ryan O’Neill beat Roger Wiggins 19 - 14. Roger had
           pushed him hard and even led 14 - 13 with two ends to go but a full house four and a two closed
           off the Irishman’s championship victory.  This finalised an outstanding achievement by O'Neill who
           became the first player to win the Irish singles, pairs, triples and rinks titles along with the British
           Isles singles, pairs, triples and rinks.
           PAIRS - Williams & Jones for England
           PAIRS - Williams & Jones for England
           In the opening round of the Pairs, Ireland’s
           Dayne Jordan & Glen Smith romped home 23
           - 7 over Scotland.  The big opening clash be-
           tween  England  and  Wales  saw  England’s
           Allan Williams & Alan Jones score an impor-
           tant 14 - 10 win over Lisa & Peter Rees. In the
           second  round  Scotland  found  themselves
           under the cosh again as England beat them
           23 - 10.
                 In the other game, Lisa & Peter Rees
           bounced back and found another gear at 10
           all  against  Ireland’s  Dayne  Jordan  &  Glen
           Smith, winning 17 - 11 in the end, finishing off
           with a full house four.
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