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                 The  cover  photo I  hope  more  than  anything They have often told me that
           4     The  cover  photo
                features           Sadie      that  more  people  send  me they  are  concerned  about
          Young from the England
          Young from the England              their  club,  county  and  per- what will happen to their club
          “A”  squad  looking  wist-          sonal stories as everyone de- in the future when they and
          “A”  squad  looking  wist-
          fully into the distance on          serves  their  15  minutes  of their  fellow  club  members
          fully into the distance on
          what might have been.               fame. Also, letters about the have gone.
          what might have been.
                                                                                       There is no instant add
          SHORT MAT CHAT                      sport or rules are especially       water solution to the problem
                                              The  more  people  who
          As well as our regular read- The  more  people  who and  it  will  take  a  number  of
          ers, this issue is also being write  in  the  better  the               years to halt and turn around
                                              write  in  the  better  the
          sent out to a large number of       magazine coverage.                  the decline.
                                              magazine coverage.
          ESMBA clubs, as the English              Elsewhere in this issue I           My  experience  in  pro-
          Association are intending to        have included a help page on        ducing  the  magazine  is  that
          put a lot more information in       writing/presenting  a  report       on the one hand bowlers are
          the  magazine,  so  that  the       and there is nothing difficult      concerned about their clubs
          grass  roots  players  in  Eng-     in it and my page could prob-       future but can’t be bothered
          land  knows  what’s  happen-        ably be condensed to a long         to give the sport any publicity.
          ing.  The  ESMBA  and  I  hope      paragraph. Just call or email            It  is  pointless  any-
                                                                                       It  is  pointless  any-
          that their information will be      me for any advice.                  one      wringing         their
          informative and helpful.                 Moving  on  it  was  great hands  in  lament,  if   you
                                                                                  hands  in  lament,  if   you
               The Subscription rate is       news  for  England  Manager do  not  put  in  any  effort
                                                                                  do  not  put  in  any  effort
          just £10.95 including postage       Brandon Whittaker, with Eng- then the sport does not
                                                                                  then the sport does  not
          and  the  magazine  is  pub-        land winning three of the five      have the secure future it
                                                                                  have the secure future it
          lished 4 times per year, usu-       events at the British Isle Pre-     deserves.
          ally  late  January  or  early      mier Championships plus the         deserves.
          February and similarly April /      trophy for the best overall re-          As  to  whom  we  should
          May, August  and  November,         sults in the Premier Champi-        target  for  the  promotion  of
          depending of course on what         onships.  England  also  won        our sport, in reality it should
          news items are sent in.             the “A” team Triples.               be  everyone  but  not  neces-
               Without advertising rev-            NOTE:  this  event  has        sarily all at the same time.
          enue the real cost would be         taken up an unusually large              Perhaps the biggest tar-
          about £15 or more, so support       number of pages in this issue,      get should be first? In the UK
          your  advertisers.  Whilst  it      which  only  happens  once  a       there are over 22 million peo-
          may  be  new  to  some,  the        year owing to the new com-          ple over 55 and this is more
          magazine has been going in          bined double championships.         than a third of our population.
          various  forms  for  22  years           As  to  subscription  re-           Youth is good of course
          and I am the entire staff, so       newals, a renewal notice will       but  we  are  far  less  likely  to
          please be a little patient!         be included in your last mag-       hold on to the young ones. I
               From time to time I may        azine.                              still maintain that with profes-
          reproduce  items  from  past             As  to  the  future  of  our   sional outside support we are
          magazines if I think they will      sport, we have been shrinking       unlikely to succeed; at least
          be  of  interest  to  new  sub-     for several years and this ef-      that’s  my  view  but  what  do
          scribers.                           fects a huge number of clubs,       YOU think?
               For  those  outside                                                     All national Committees
                For  those  outside no matter what their county or
          England I can confirm                                                   are basically made up of will-
          England I can confirm country. As we are all growing
                                                                                  ing amateurs and our future is
          that the magazine will              older  our  playing  numbers        too  important  to  mess  with.
          that the magazine will
          remain        independent           decrease.                           Do  our  various  committees
          and cover events from                    In  England  the  ESMBA        have  the  courage  to  admit
          and cover events from
          wherever, provided of               wants to stop this shrinkage        they  could  do  with  profes-
          wherever, provided of
                                              and  start  building  up  again
          course you send them                                                    sional  help  and  support?
          course you send them and this is very important to
          to me.                              many clubs.                         Probably not!
          to me.
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