Page 28 - Layout 1
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Page 28:Layout 1  23/12/2014  20:33  Page 1

            28     At the following ‘A’ series in Dum-
                   fries,  Seamus  Kyne  floated  the
              idea of staging a similar tour in Ireland
              and  there  was  considerable  enthusi-
              asm for the idea.
                    A  committee  of  8  was  formed,
              Seamus  Kyne,  Gerry  O’Hare,  Jim
              Pinkerton, Dairmuid McMahon, Ryan
              O’Neill, Kevin Conroy, Cecil Dillon and
              Simon  Cavan  and  it  was  decided  to
              stage  two  singles  competitions  in
              Cookstown, won by Martyn Trainor and
              in  the  Jim  Baker  Stadium,  won  by         Runners-up Gary Merron and Seamus Kyne
              Colum McHugh.                                          with short mat tour Chairman
                    Both  were  an  outstanding  suc-                    Gerry O'Hare (Centre)
              cess with 256 entries in each and a waiting list in both. This season, in addition to the two sin-
              gles, it was decided to stage a pairs competition based on the same round robin format and
              again it stimulated great interest.
                    The event was staged at the Baker Stadium and was one which gave bowls and the tour
              a major boost with the so called ‘big guns’ and favourites knocked out in the early stages of
              finals night. The final, between Nigel Gamble and Simon McCullough from the Loughenreagh
              club and Seamus Kyne and Gary Merron from the Lafarge Club in Mid Ulster was not one
              that would have been expected but it proved to be an excellent final of quality bowls which
              went to the very last bowl with the Loughenreagh pair squeezing home 9 – 8.
              Junior Bowls
              Junior Bowls

                                                                       In an effort to stimulate junior bowls, the
                                                                       IIBA and the Irish Short Mat Tour came
                                                                       together  to  run  a  junior  rinks  round
                                                                       robin competition.
                                                                            Entries  were  received  from  12
                                                                       zones each team comprising two rinks
                                                                       with the overall score deciding the win-
                                                                       ner of each game.
                                                                       The        event
                                                                       proved to be an
                                                                       outstanding suc-
                                                                       cess  and  what
                                                                       had been a trial
                                                                       exercise  seems
                                                                       likely to become
                                                                       a permanent fix-

                   NORTH WEST ZONE                                     ture. The winner
                    NORTH WEST ZONE
                                                                       of  each  group
                                                                       went through to
              the main knock out stage, the second team in the group to the plate            Seamus Kyne
              and the third team to the spoon competition.
                    All 3 were very keenly contested with most games decided on the            IIBA Public
              final end. The overall winners were North West Zone with an excellent             Relations
              team of very talented young bowlers, a credit to the work put in by their           Officer
              coach Ryan O’Neill every Friday night for several years.
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