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            26                                  IRISH INDOOR
                                                IRISH INDOOR

                                                BOWLING ASSOCIATION
                                                BOWLING ASSOCIATION
                                                Champion of  Champions
                                                Champion of  Champions

                                                The annual champion of champion’s competition brings to-
                                                gether the winners of the season's singles, pairs, triples and
                                                rinks tournaments with the winners in each category repre-
                                                senting Ireland in World Bowls. It is therefore a highly prized
                                                In  the  rinks  section,  National  winner  Leigh  Harrison  was
              drawn against fellow international Gerry McCabe but the expected lose encounter did not
              materialise with McCabe running out an easy 14 - 2 winner. Newly recalled to the Irish team,
              Andy  Leckey  was  just
              edged  by  Eddie  Craw-
              ford while in the bottom
              half John McMahon and
              Johnny  Wilson  proved
              too good for Gary Burke
              and Trevor Turkington.
                    The     semi-finals
              brought      comfortable
              wins for the Oriel rink of
              Gerry McCabe, Stephen
              McMahon,        Dairmuid
              McMahon  and  Paddy
              Hanlon 16 - 4 over Eddie
              Crawford and for Johnny
              Wilson's    West  Down
              rink  10  -  3  over  John        Stephen McMahon, Dermot McMahon, Gerry McCabe
              McMahon.                        and John Murnahan with IIBA President Mrs Flo McNally
                                                                           McCabe's rink dominated the final
                                                                           with a 12 - 4 and now go to the next
                                                                           World Bowls Championships.
                                                                           In the triples quarter finals, Aaron
                                                                           Tennant just squeezed out the fan-
                                                                           cied Raymond Stubbs 7 - 6 while
                                                                           Alan  Paul  proved  too  strong  for
                                                                           Gary McNabb.
                                                                                 In the bottom half Aidan Cor-
                                                                           rigan had a ding dong battle with
                                                                           the in form     P  J  McCrossan
                                                                           coming through 10 - 9 while Cecil
                                                                           Dillon had a similar battle winning
                Dereck McCallion, Mark Sproule and Aidan                   7 - 6 against Danny McDonald.
               Corrigan with IIBA President Mrs Flo McNally
                                                                                In the semi’s Alan Paul, Clark
              Hill and Willie Lennox, world bowls winners came through against Tennant while the Armagh
              trio of Aidan Corrigan, Dereck McCallion and Mark Sproule proved too good for Cecil Dillon.
              In the final Corrigan squeezed out the favoured Alan Paul.
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