Page 3 - November PPIAC Newsletter Published
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My passion for PPIAC comes from knowing the value of the membership
and what it’s done for me as an investigator and my company throughout
Article Links: the years. I want that for each and every member, but you can only get out
of an association what you put into it. Attend the meetings, use the list
serve, take advantage of the many benefits of membership, get to know
others in the association and I guarantee you will be a better investigator
and business owner.
How Corporate America
I will certainly continue to support PPIAC and hope to see you all when we
Depends on Private Sleuths
can finally get together in person again.
Private Eye busted In If you are a voting member join us on Wednesday for the board meeting
and our annual business meeting and to greet your incoming board of
Chinese Government Plot is
Ex NYPD Sergeant
Andrea Orozco
PPIAC President