Page 6 - November PPIAC Newsletter Published
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Take a moment to consider if you are taking full advantage of your
involvement in PPIAC and if there are new ways for your membership to
work for you! I am always available to answer your questions or to help
guide you to the best person to suit your need. My cell number is 970-769-
I am fortunate to be one of the first board members to connect with our
newest members. I learn about their experience in our field, their areas of
expertise and just how cool and interesting they each are. Congratulations,
and a big welcome to our newest members as of September and October:
Robin Brown: Robin is a veteran of the United States Air Force who then
worked for the Federal Bureau of Investigation as a Supervisory Special
Agent. He has been the owner of RC Brown Investigations for over twenty
years and is also a Security Consultant. Robin’s contact information is in his
membership profile.
Reece Cox: Reece is an Army veteran and expert in security and self-
defense tactics. He owns so check out his
website and the self-defense classes he offers.
Robert Fricke: Robert is an Army veteran and a Special Agent veteran of
the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He is currently a licensed secondary
history and German teacher who is interested in applying his investigation
expertise in a private practice. He owns Calbenser Consulting and can be
reached through his membership profile.
Michael Masto: Michael is a veteran with years of expert experience with
the U.S. Customs Service and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
He also has an extensive background working with the Red Cross as a
Recovery Specialist and is a lifetime member of the Federal Law
Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA). Check out his membership
profile to reach him!
Yolanda Walker: Yolanda is a small business owner dedicated to learning
about the profession. She took a big first step by graduating from the
Detective Training Institute and by becoming a member of PPIAC. She can
be contacted through her membership profile.
Cassandra Papp
VP of Membership