Page 4 - November PPIAC Newsletter Published
P. 4
Do you know
someone that could
benefit from
membership in
PPIAC? Refer a
member for a $25
credit toward your The 2020 Rocky Mountain PI Conference, held online over
next training or October 2-3, was a success!
membership We were incredibly fortunate to secure top-notch speakers. Our surveys
renewal. held glowing reviews for our lineup: Ed Ajaeb, Matt Spaier, John Hoda,
Jennifer Brown, JP Moore, Captain Sam McGhee, and presentations and
demonstrations from our sponsors, Skopenow, and PI Gear. The breakout
room capability proved especially effective for people wanting more
information on gear and surveillance situations.
Our conference gave us the opportunity to roll out our Rocky Mountain PI
Magazine, which used Flipbuilder as a platform, bringing a new audience
interaction to presentations, live links, and ads.
The in-person interaction and networking were sorely missed; but the safety
of everyone involved could not be compromised. With that understanding,
there were silver linings: because we were able to schedule this online in
advance, we were able to secure top-notch speakers and sponsors.
Because there were no travel costs incurred, we were able to cut the price
of attendance and as a result, had people from many states participating in
our conference.
The success of our conference online means that we will never have to
miss a conference due to lockdowns or travel concerns. We have a way to
reach out to members, to continue with training, and to network and keep in
Tan Smyth
VP of Training, PPIAC