Page 115 - Gan's Family History
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intelligence won him the admiration represented, according to Ssu-ma,
of his fellow disciples. those who were "masters of the polite
Yan Hui exemplified the arts". It is that in a few, a very few
concept of the true gentleman or JUN cases, the references in the records
ZI (Lord's Son) which Confucius to intimates of the Master contain the
constantly held out to his disciples. strokes and touches of a living
The gentleman may be of portraiture, so that certain
humble origin and poor, but more individuals--Tza Lu especially,
essential is that, his heart must be appear, not as conventional
sincerely set on “The Way”. He is disciples, but as real human beings
modest, polite and deferential, with their graces and imperfections.
avoiding unseemingly contention In the case of Yan Hui the
with his fellows. Steadfast in success portrait that emerges, particularly
and failure alike, his concern is from the Analects, is tantalizingly
always with “What is morally right” slight and only partially explains the
and his education is an unending admiration, amounting almost to
refinement and affirmation of the awe, felt by Confucius for this saint-
moral sense of practical like disciple, who lived in poverty and
accomplishment. died early. This admiration seems to
Confucius was heartbroken have been directed mainly to three
when Yan Hui died at an early age of special qualities in Yan Hui:--a
32 as he had looked upon Yan Hui as passion for "learning" (that is,
his successor who would carry on his acquiring moral knowledge), an
work of teaching after he was gone. exceptional teachability (or capacity
for absorbing moral lessons without
effort) and a power of perseverance in
Extract Four virtue (which Hui was able to sustain
"for three months on end" without
BELOVED DISCIPLE once lapsing from it).
What all these qualities come
IT is impossible to be sure of the size to is really an innate apprehension of
of the group of persons that goodness, and in this probably lay
surrounded Confucius as disciples or the secret of the young man's
more or less loosely attached "nearness to perfection "--of his
adherents. But the interesting thing superiority, in the eyes of Confucius,
is not whether the "outer circle" to the other disciples and even to
numbered three thousand odd, as Confucius himself.
Ssu-ma Ch'ien, the Master's For in classifying different
biographer, averred; or the "inner kinds of knowledge Confucius gave
circle" some threescore and ten, the intuitive perception of moral
which is the traditional figure and truth the highest place, though he
31 Extracted from the book “A Confucian Notebook”
by Edward Herbert. / Published by John Murry
(Publishers) Ltd. 50 Albemarle Street, London W1X 4BD