Page 120 - Gan's Family History
P. 120
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much on the road but when he saw got off the cart and walked towards
the low city walls in the distance, he the wall the citizens of Kuang,
became excited and shouted, "I can observing Confucius' huge size and
see the State of Kuang!" fearsome visage, jumped to the
With a flourish, he sounded a conclusion that he could only be
crisp crack of his whip and the ox none other than the famous giant of
gathered speed. the time, Yang Hu - the former
Kuang was a small state, dictator, who after his escape from
which the King of Zhou had granted LU, had made a living by banditry
to a marquis. Several years ago, Yan and was busy sacking and
Hui had been with the Lu general plundering fortress up and down the
Yang Hu on an expedition against land.
Kuang. Partly because he was still A crowd quickly gathered,
young and the expedition had left a seized Confucius and dragged him off
deep impression on him, partly to prison. In the ensuing days, his
because the journey was boring and company of disciples were also
he was in need of some thrill, he had rounded up one by one and brought
suddenly halted the cart and, to share in his confinement. After
pointing to a big gap in the city wall, five days, a young man was also
shouted excitedly: "Look at that gap brought into the prison cell much to
in the wall! It was through that gap the Master's huge relief. It was Yan
that our Lu army forced its way into Hui.
the capital of Kuang." "I thought you were dead!"
Kuang had once been cried Confucius.
dependant on Lu and then, Yan Hui then delivered the
succumbing to pressure, had pledge fond reply that won him immortal
allegiance to Wei. On the pretext of fame among Chinese schoolboys and
quelling this "open rebellion" Lu their masters. He replied, "So long as
unleashed an attack on Kuang. The my Master lives, how could I dare to
so-called "open rebellion" was a false die?"
charge Yang Hu had imposed on the One day, Confucius spoke to
people of Kuang. his favourite pupil, Yan Hui. "Why
Yan Hui involvement in the are we in such trouble, my son?" he
expedition was not anything to his asked. "Is there something wrong
credit. He was not much of a warrior. with my teaching?"
He was only a feeble scholar. As a Yan Hui replied firmly, "Your
matter of fact, when the vanguard teaching is the truth, Master.
broke through the wall, he drifted in However, people don't recognise the
with the rearguard soldiers. It was truth at first. If they did, they would
really nothing to brag about, but he have no choice but to live by it. We
was proud of himself. recognise it and we live by it, but our
The other disciples, out of rulers do not and so they live in error.
curiosity all gathered to look at the Still, what does it matter whether
gap in the wall and when Confucius anyone recognises you’re teaching