Page 118 - Gan's Family History
P. 118
116 | P a g e
"Are you afraid to talk to her?" your mind?" There was a brilliant
Confucius read their minds. "I have intelligence in his eyes. When she
said there is a taboo between men moved her eyes up to his tousled and
and women. I have also said 'listen dusty hair, she suddenly understood
not to what is contrary to propriety; what he meant. Oh, I see. He's trying
speak not what is contrary to to test me. He wants to find out if I
propriety; make no movement which am an idiot. She took the comb from
is contrary to propriety. But as for her hair and handed it to him.
collecting folk songs, studying "Why are you giving me your
customs and investigating comb?" Yan Hui asked.
educational and state affairs, that is "This is the weapon you want,"
another story. Even in ancient times replied the young woman.
special officials were appointed to do "How do you know?"
that. That's how the odes, the folk "A travelling mountain 'is your
songs have been passed down to us. head'; 'trees...all branches without
Don't worry. Go ahead and talk to leaves' are your hair; 'beast' teeming
her. in the trees are lice in your hair; the
Yan Hui volunteered. When he 'weapon' to drive the beast away is
went down to the river, the woman, the comb to comb your lice out.
absorbed in washing her dress did Since you have been out on the road
not noticed him. How shall I start, and exposed to the weather, to have
he wondered. If I just go ahead and a few lice in your hair is nothing to
ask directly she may think be ashamed of."
Confucius's disciples lack literary "Very well interpreted," Yan
grace. But the comb in her hair gave Hui nodded admiringly. He took the
him an inspiration. He moved up comb from her, untied his hair and
and greeted her politely. began to comb it against the breeze.
The young woman looked back His head had been feeling itchy these
and saw a scholarly looking young days and he wondered if he really
man behind her. He must be a had got lice. He ran the comb
traveller from the way he looks. What through his hair and there were, in
does he want? Is he asking the way fact, a few tiny whitish insects. He
or has he run into some trouble? crushed them between his
"I have a travelling mountain," fingernails and they made small,
Yan Hui began, "with a forest of trees explosive sounds, leaving behind
on top; the trees, teeming with beasts little red dots. Yan Hui flushed.
are all branches without leaves. May Fortunately, the woman had turned
I ask to borrow your weapon and to wash and had not noticed.
drive them all away?" After combing his hair for a
"Are you joking, that you wish while, Yan Hui felt much better. He
to borrow weapons from a woman?" tied up his hair, put on his hat,
the woman thought. "What trick are cleaned the comb with his
you playing on me? You don't look handkerchief and returned it to her
like a frivolous man. Are you out of with thanks.