Page 16 - Gan's Family History
P. 16
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Son of ancestor Yan Sheng, YAN that of the Marquis of Hsi
CHING, styled Kung Li resided in Lin Ping County. Because of old
I county, Lang Yeh, and eastern part age, he relinquished his post
of Shantung Province. He succeeded with merit and well wishes of
his father by continuing the purpose happiness and prosperity to
of assembling the various tribes and retire from public service. He
clans within the nation to live lived contentedly for another
harmoniously together. He began his twenty closing years of his life,
service with the rank of a lieutenant spanning a long age of ninety-
general, in mid-life, a ranking official three.
and finally, a magistrate of Tung Wan
and Kuang Ling. North – South Dynasty (AD 386 -
26th Generation 28 Generation
Son of ancestor Yan Ching, YAN MO Son of ancestor Yan Han, YAN MAO
styled Ching Po, initially served as a styled Chun Tu was well read and
magistrate in Ju Yin and later was possessed the virtue of filial piety. He
the commanding general of the served the Tsin government (265 -
escort, protection guard corps. 420 AD) as a middle rank officer. His
Among his given duties was to keep career was bright and meritorious
the nobility with the rank of Viscount bringing him much happiness and
in the county united and collect as prosperity.
taxes hemp clothe and silk from Yan Mao and his brother Yan
them. Chien did what Confucianists
praised as a perfect example of filial
27th Generation piety.
1. Eldest son of ancestor Yan Mo It was recorded that while the
was YAN CHI. two were at the funeral site of their
2. Second son of ancestor Yan Mo deceased father, a fire broke out and
was YAN NIEN. everyone started to run for his lives
3. Third son of ancestor Yan Mo, except the two brothers. They were
YAN HAN, styled Hung Tu, hugging the coffin and crying,
posthumously title Yueh refusing to budge. By a sudden
Ching, served the Tsin stroke of providence, a heavy
government (265 - 420 AD) as downpour put the fire out
a military staff officer in the immediately. Confucianist claimed
defence of Wu Prefecture. By that the son's filial behaviour had
means of his honest moved the gods to stop the fire.
behaviour, he was appointed
as assistance in attendance to 29th Generation
the crown prince, son of a Son of ancestor Yan Mao, YAN LIN
middle rank concubine. He styled Wen Ho, served in the Tsin
rose in rank to the increasingly government as a military officer of a
important official post as the company of mounted troops
senior minister of revenue and stationed in the Prefecture capital to