Page 19 - Gan's Family History
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and lustery bright robes in the authority. He stood firmly as a
civil department. These two fair and unbiased civil servant,
great holders of the Bachelor's but the criticism took its toll,
Degree were given the honour causing him much grief and
to edit the six books of Chinese his early demise.
classics. A form of chronicle 3. Third son of ancestor Yan Szu
was formed to outline in details Lu, YAN CHIN LI, styled
passage that were considered Viscount Yueh, also styled
doubtful, and also flawed Kou. He conducted work on
compositions that were the single character large seal
hurriedly made or written up. type of Chinese calligraphy,
This revised version reached a particularly as a specialist in
very high standard to become teaching the essence of ancient
a collection of pros work that Buddhist scripts. Then he
was handed down from became a receptionist officer
generation to generation during the reign of Emperor
within the Yan clan. Tang Tai Tsung, and his duty
2. Second son of ancestor Yan included proof reading of
Szu Lu, YAN HSIANG SHIH, books and compiling as well as
styled Viscount Juei. On the editing the history of the
fourth year of the reign of nation. Finally, he achieved
emperor Tang Wu Te, he great fame as a civil literati
together with Fang Hsuan when he was admitted into the
Ling, led a group of eighteen Institute of Great Learning and
scholars, who had reached the given access of the National
zenith or pinnacle of their archive.
professions in the art and
literal circles to form the core 38th Generation
of great academic teachers in Son of ancestor Yan Chin Li, YAN
the Institute of Great Learning. CHAO FU, styled Chou Ching,
Student scholars were taught descendant from the third room. He
picture drawing, portrait served the second king of the Chin
sketching of famous, glorious Kingdom as an attendant in court.
and honourable contemporary He was well read and the king
personalities of the times, bestowed upon him as the provincial
including past historical governor of Hua Prefecture.
officials. As the officer-in-
charge of the Ministry of Rites 39th Generation
and Education, he had to Son of ancestor Yan Chao Fu, YAN
admonish ranking officers for WEI CHIN styled Shu Chien, became
opposing the pattern of a friend of King Hsueh and was
teaching after the ancient appointed as a young guardian of the
method as out of date and Crown Prince.
discuss with court officials,
who took turns to dispute his