Page 64 - Gan's Family History
P. 64
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Blank pages. No indication was forefather Yan Chi. He was an official
given as to why the biographies of the serving the Juei Te Chang, Te Hua
sons and grandsons, assumed to County in Yung Chun prefecture.
have been born subsequently to fill in
the 13th and 14th generation word- His younger brother, Yan Jen Hsien
line were left out in the Yan clan as elder of the Yan clan, succeeded
record. him. A shrine was built in the Chu
county, 10th administrative unit,
Shih Che, Te Hua county to
commemorate him as the founding
Biography of forefather Yan
Lung, better known as ancestor ancestor.
Yan Chian Hsien, a 15th Yan Chi who was the 8th generation
generation descendant.
grandson of forefather Yan Szu and a
Forefather Yan Lung, stylistic name direct descendant of the founder of
Wen Cheng was a highly regarded the Shih Che branch/clique, was
appointed as an assistant prefectural
scholar who was bestowed and magistrate in Lei Chou, a prefecture
recommended by the local located in south-west of Kuangtung
government of Fu Chien province to province.
enrol himself into an institution of He was a successful candidate
higher learning in the capital. of the national civil service
Upon his graduation after examination held at the imperial
several years of learning, he was capital and received his posting, on
appointed to become an official to the 8th year reign of emperor Chun
serve his tour of duty in Chi An
prefecture Chiang His province. His, to take charge of the
His career was marked with administration and maintenance of
ups and downs as well as trials and law and order in Yung county.
tribulations but he continued on Another descendant of this
working until he reached the ripe old branch/clique by the name of Yan
age of 82. Kai was said to have moved with his
His last post was that of a high family and household to live in
official in the imperial court. Chiang Chiao hamlet, Yung Chun
His arrival was reported and
A collection of the biographies an entry recorded in the Yung Chun
from the clan records of the Shih district registration of families, but
Che, Te Hua county and Chiang little was known of his descendants
Tien, Yung Chun county or the cliques formed by them in
ranches/cliques, beginning with other localities.
forefather Yan Jen Yu
Forefather Yan Jen Yu was the
eldest son and heir apparent of