Page 84 - Gan's Family History
P. 84
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county, and on his tomb-stone, an 2. Yan Hsueh Wen
engraving was etched therein to to tend to the rites and sacrifices
mark him as the 8 generation before the ancestral alter.
ancestor of the Yan clan in the Pei Forefather and his deceased
Cheng conjugal house. wives were buried in the family
He left behind him two sons ground at Hsiang Fan Lin, 9 capital,
named:- Chin Chiang County. An inscription
1. Yan Kuei Wu and in his tombstone endowed him as the
2. Yan Kuei Tsai ancestor of the Yan clan and revered
to continue on the partrilineal to as ancestor Chun Chiang, was
descendants of the Yan clan. erected beside his grave.
His fifth and youngest brother,
Yan Yueh, took over the business of 10th Generation
running the farmland and leading The patriarch of the Yan clan in the
the Pei Chen conjugal house as the an Ping conjugal house of this
eight-generation ancestor. generation was Yan Hsueh Li, styled
A tablet was carved to this Yueh Hsiang and designation Li Wu.
effect and his name was enshrined in He was the eldest son of
the ancestral alter of this branch. forefather Yan Kuei Tsai, born during
the reign of the Ming emperor chia
9th Generation Ching and died under the rule of
The ninth patriarch of the Yan clan Emperor Tien Chi.
in the An Ping conjugal house, He married his legal wife by
forefather Yan Kuei Tsai, styled Chi taking the hand of a daughter from
Chi and designation Chun Chiang, the Wang clan, posthumous title Hui
was the second son in the family and Chin, and she died young without
was named as the successor of giving birth to any children.
forefather Yan Ching. Forefather Hsueh Li married a
Born during the reign of the second time and took for his wife, a
Ming emperor Chia Ching, he lived to maiden from the Huang clan,
a venerable age of 81. posthumous title Tzu Chin. She was
He married his legal wife born under the reign of emperor Chia
through a marriage alliance with a Ching and died when the Ming
daughter of the Lin clan, emperor, Tien Chi was on the throne,
posthumous title Wei Chin. She was at the age of 74.
born in the reign of Chia Ching and His second wife bore him four
died in her prime at the age of 25. sons and placed in three different
Forefather Kuei Tsai married clans, two of which belonged to the
again and took for his wife a maiden former houses of his two wives.
from the Li clan. She too was born 1. His eldest son, Yan Ting Lung,
when emperor Chia Ching was was given in adoption to the
seated upon the throne. Wang clan to propagate a
He left behind him two sons, separate branch of this family.
named:- He became the founder of a
1. Yan Hsueh Li and separate branch of his first