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 About Us 2021  Sponsor Benefits  Hybrid Roadshow  The Mission

                       We begin by offering              Our racecar will be             This      phase      of
                       sponsorship funding               the gem of a Hybrid             sponsorship will not
                       for creating our Spirit           Technology Showcase             be coming in last!  We
                       of Detroit Hybrid                 that  begins with               roll-out the technology
                       Superlite      SLC     -          appearances         on          gained from the Hybrid
                       “Another Red-tailed               national     morning            Roadshow and  begin
                       Angel” and describe               shows. Details of our           to create Hybrid
                       a    comprehensive                exciting Roadshow               Upfitting Centers.
                       breakdown of sponsor              and how to integrate            We then can  begin
                       benefits such as                  media with sponsors,            to launch programs
                       dem ogr aphics,                   partners and educators          for infusing funding
                       audience           and            in conjunction with             into communities and
                       availability of tie-ins           our Spirit of Detroit           programs. Our goal
                       through the high                  Motorsports marketing           at Spirit of Detroit
                       visability of motorsports.        department to develop           Motorsport is to create
                       Sponsorship tiers are             venues for the Spirit           tiered internships for
                       available through Leavy           of Detroit 2021/2022            different mentoring
                       Morgan at SDMSPT or               Roadshow. We seek               phases           called
                       by further inquiring at           to further hybrid               “Moonshot”.  Our team
                       www.spiritofdetroit               education with school           all understand the value
                                 programs.                       of being given a “shot”.

                                                                          Spirit of Detroit Motorsport    lap 5
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