Page 10 - Proposal Project_MORGAN_ATLANTA_18
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Joe E.                                              MIchael
                            HARRIS                                           PETTIFORD

            Coach/Refuel, Tire Change                              Driver/Lead Team Coach

            Spirit of Detroit Motorsport                         President GO 4 IT Services

           Born in Fayetteville, NC, Joe Harris                 Michael  Pettiford,  President  of  GO  4  IT
           pursued     his   higher     education     on        Services Inc., holds SCCA Club and Pro
           scholarship at Georgia Institute of                  Competition Licenses. Michael has won

           Technology, graduating in  1974 with  a              49 Rocky Mountain Division (RMD) Na-
           Bachelor of Science degree. While                    tional/Mid-States Conference Champion-

           at Georgia Tech, he was named All                    ships, more than anyone in SCCA history.
           American Linebacker, Defensive Player                He was also the first to win 3 RMD National
           of the Year, which led to a long-lasting             Championships in the same year (the Hat

           career in professional football. This                Trick), and has now done it six times! He
           included time with the National Foot-                is a regular competitor on the road racing
           ball League’s Chicago Bears and two                  circuit. His expertise in high performance

           years    with    the    Canadian     League,         driving instruction and safety education
           where he was selected All Pro. He then               guarantee a positive and safe learning
           returned to the NFL with the Washing-                environment for his students.  Pettiford

           ton Redskins, the San Francisco 49ers,               is proud to currently be a part of the
           the Minnesota Vikings, the Los Angeles               amazing  Spirit  of  Detroit  Motorsports

           Rams, and Baltimore Colts. He played in              team.
           Super Bowl XIV in 1979, and, by the time
           he left professional football behind, he

           had played for more NFL teams than
           any other player in history. After his foot-

           ball career, Joe became a manager for
           Ford Motor Company and is now part of
           the  Spirit of  Detroit Motorsports team.
       lap 10      PROPOSAL 2021
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