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Charles Julius
Driver/Project Manager Sponsorship/Promo
Spirit of Detroit Motorsport Spirit of Detroit Motorsport
Charles is a driver with over 20 years Another son of Detroit, Julius Curry has
experience on the Professional Road- joined our Spirit of Detroit Motorsport
Racing circuit (IMSA, SCCA Pro, Grand- team. His love of racing started early,
Am) He's competed nationally in the USA helping his father and uncle build and
and internationally in Canada and Eu- race cars. More than a sport for him,
rope. Charles proudly holds the distinc- racing holds a special place in his
tion of being 1 of only 5 Afro-Americans to heart. Julius attended Detroit’s Catho-
have won at the Professional level in the lic School, lettering in football, basket-
modern auto racing era since WWII, the ball, and track. Awarded a University of
other four being Morgan, Willie T. Ribbs, Michigan football scholarship, he earned
Darryl Wallace Jr., and Wendell Scott. a Bachelor of Arts in Sports Management,
He has accepted invitations from Marketing, and Communications there.
The Southern California Black In 2003, Julius realized a dream by
Chamber Of Commerce, Autism Care & joining the NFL, playing for the
Treatment, the NAACP Image Awards, Chicago Bears, Detroit Lions, and
the San Felipe Youth Foundation and Green Bay Packers. During his NFL ca-
Universal Golf Foundation Charity reer, he decided to focus on another
Golf Classic - Benefitting SUNSHINE passion—racing. In 2005, Julius started
HACIENDA Orphanage in San Felipe, Curry Racing, LLC, which participated
Mexico and recently, the 9th Copa de in the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series.
Golf Saverios in Tijuana, Mexico. Downes Curry is proud to currently be a part of the
is proud to currently be a part of the amazing Spirit of Detroit Motorsports
amazing Spirit of Detroit Motorsports team.
Spirit of Detroit Motorsport lap 11