Page 12 - Proposal Project_MORGAN_ATLANTA_18
P. 12
The Spirit of Detroit 19 is not only about
the creatiion of a State-Of-The-Art
Hypercar. The technology developed
for this prooject, including it’s integral
Roadshow, has practical applications.
Transferrable to commercial over the
road trucks and the trailers they pull,
it will generate proof-of-concept for
hybrid upfitting, that can, a practical
cost, create a new class of ecologically
sound vehicles for deliver of Sponsor’s
products and for the myriad of large
diesel trucks plying America’s roads.
Hybrid upfitting puts an end to the black
emissions, dirty skies and unhealthy air.
Upfitting with h ybr id
institutes a clean start and acceleration
of electric power that substantially
reduces their carbon footprint at
a time when they produce the
greatest portion of emissions.
What Does Sponsorship Entail and
What Does It Promise?
lap 12 PROPOSAL 2021