Page 15 - HPB Handbook - May 30 2022 (Flipbook) v2
P. 15

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            Except when contra-indicated, all patients should be prescribed heparin 5000 units sc to be given with premedication. Post
            op, the patient should receive enoxaparin, 40 mg sc daily until discharge. The enoxaparin dose may be modified on account
            of patient’s weight.

            Discharge DVT Prophylaxis
            It is a unit policy that all patients with confirmed malignant cases who have had major abdominal cancer surgery to
            be anticoagulated for 28 days postop: the first portion in hospital on Enoxaparin, (or Heparin if indicated) and the
            balance at home on oral Pradaxa, (Dabigatran). This means that most patients will require a discharge plan for receiving
            Pradaxa at home at a normal dose of 220mg per day. This drug is paid for by the patient so please let the charge nurse or staff
            know if there is a financial concern; there are free alternatives.

            VTE Prophylaxis at DISCHARGE for Hepatobiliary Patients with dabigatran [Pradaxa]

                                                                  Dabigatran       Dabigatran
              Parameter                                           150 mg ONCE daily   220 mg ONCE daily

              Indication                                          Major  HPB  surgery   Major HPB surgery with malignancy
                                                                  with malignancy

              Creatinine Clearance   Less than 30 mL/min          30 to 50 mL/min   Greater than 50 mL/min

              Age                                                 75 years or older   74 years or younger

                                  Severe risk of bleeding
              Contraindications    -active peptic ulcer disease
                                    -extensive cerebral infarct             within last 6
                                  Strong P-glycoprotein inhibitors
                                  Therapeutic anticoagulation
                                                                  Antiplatelet Therapy   Antiplatelet  Therapy  Acetylsalicylic  acid
              Caution Use                                         Acetylsalicylic   acid   81mg
                                                                  81mg             clopidogrel[Plavix ]
                                                                  clopidogrel[Plavix ]   prasugrel [Effient ]
                                                                  prasugrel [Effient ]   ticagrelor [Brilinta ]
                                                                  ticagrelor [Brilinta ]

                                                                  Patients  on  triple  therapy  (ASA  +  antiplatelet  +  dabigatran)  will  be
                                                                  assessed on a case by case basis
                                                                      P-glycoprotein   inhibitors
                                                                      [e.g. verapamil, quinidine,
                                                                      amiodarone,  itraconazole,
                                                                      tacrolimus,   cyclosporin,
                                                                      ritonavir,   saquinavir,
                                  Patients with multiple risk factors for bleeds will be assessed on a case by case basis

              Prescribe As                                        150 mg ONCE daily x ___   220 mg ONCE daily x ___ days for VTE
                                                                  days for VTE prophylaxis   prophylaxis [until POD # 28].  No repeats.
                                                                  [until  POD  #  28].    No

                                                                  Do NOT use Limited Use Code for Atrial Fibrillation.

            Dose reduction to dabigatran 150 mg daily should be considered for the elderly, reduced renal function and multiple antiplatelet uses. See unit pharmacist for any dose
            related questions. It should also be noted on the discharge summary that Pradaxa /Dabigatran should not be refilled so that the GPs are not automatically doing so.

            Pulmonary Embolism
            You will see more patients with pulmonary embolism in the surgical than the medical units.
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