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Court Staff and increased availability of court forms. Committee members hosted a CLE on
                   Access to Justice and Self-Represented Litigants for the Third Circuit Judges Conference on
                   March 25, 2022. The SRL Committee is also working closely with the Louisiana Supreme
                   Court  Technology  Commission  and  the  ATJ  Technology  Committee  on  the  ATJ  Forms
                   Automation Project to create additional forms and update existing forms to conform to recent
                   revisions in the law. Members from both the SRL and Technology Committees revised the
                   Article 103 Divorce forms–with and without children–and instructions to reflect the recent
                   changes in the law. The Committees also released automated versions of the forms for the 103
                   divorce and Adult Name Change, which were accepted by the Supreme Court and hosted on
                   the website. The links to the automated forms have also been circulated via the Louisiana
                   District Judges Association newsletter. The next meeting is scheduled for April.

                   Building Bridges Committee
                   Adrienne Wheeler, Chair
                   The Building Bridges Committee supports relationships between criminal and civil legal aid
                   communities to address  legal  barriers  of people  formerly  incarcerated using a coordinated
                   approach. The recent work of the Building Bridges Committee includes coordinated meetings
                   between committee leadership, the Department of Corrections, and Department of Child and
                   Family Services (DCFS); release of a brochure on the new child support law and process for
                   suspension that DOC and DCFS recently implemented; and survey result analysis of state-by-
                   state practices for placing and lifting detainers. The Committee met in February to focus on
                   youth reentry initiatives, such as access to general and special education while in state custody
                   and ways the Committee can work with the LSBA Children’s Law Committee to educate
                   attorneys and address the issues identified. The next meeting is scheduled for May.

                   Language Access Committee
                   Luz Molina, Chair
                   The Language Access Committee met multiple times in February and March to discuss the
                   areas of law needing modification to comply with the Louisiana Supreme Court’s Language
                   Access Plan. At the meetings, Committee members reviewed and discussed a detailed memo
                   prepared by the Committee Chair highlighting the complications with treating an interpreter as
                   an expert and invited court interpreters to discuss interpreter qualifications and competency.
                   The Committee agreed to make recommendations to the Supreme Court’s Office of Language
                   Access Stakeholder Committee and request that they file a Resolution during this Legislative
                   session seeking review from the Louisiana Law Institute. The next meeting is scheduled for

                   Modest Means Committee
                   Virginia Listach, Chair
                   The  Committee  met  in  February  and  discussed  the  completion  of  the  Limited  Scope
                   Representation  (LSR)  Toolkit  for  attorneys  and  whether  clear  rules  on  attorneys  drafting
                   pleadings  for  pro  se  litigants  would  make  modest  means  access  to  legal  services  more
                   accessible to modest-income litigants and attorneys who serve them. The discussion revealed
                   that anecdotally, while judges often appreciate SRLs coming to court with a more accurate
                   form, attorneys have concerns about their obligation to the client, and the possibility of being
                   required  to  represent  the  client  beyond  the  limited  scope  representation  agreed  upon.  The
                   Committee intends to continue seeking feedback from state court judges, research rule changes
                   made  by  the  40  states  that  allow  ghostwriting,  and  share  any  relevant  findings  with  key
                   stakeholders and decision-makers. The Committee’s next meeting is in April.
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