Page 133 - 2022AprilBOG
P. 133

Technology Committee
                   Amanda Brown and Greg Landry, Co-Chairs
                   The  Technology  Committee  met  on  March  8,  2022  to  discuss  various  priority  activities
                   members have been working on. The Committee reviewed the results from the Justice for All
                   Project’s community listening sessions and discussed how the Committee, legal aid offices,
                   and other service providers could better serve constituents through JFA Access Points. The
                   Technology Committee also finalized the automation of the Name Change and 103 Divorce
                   forms and are working on automating other forms identified in the SRL Committee’s “Top 10”
                   list  of  court  forms.  Finally,  the  Committee  discussed  recent  technology-related  legislative
                   updates. The next meeting is scheduled in May.

                                             Access to Justice Committee

                   Hurricane Ida Response
                   Ann Gregorie, Chair
                   The ATJ Committee’s Disaster Response Subcommittee determined it was appropriate to close
                   the  ABA/YLD  hotline.  The  ABA/YLD  hotline  was  activated  in  response  to  the  Federal
                   declaration of a disaster after Hurricane Ida. New to this disaster, this hotline number was being
                   directed  to  Southeast  LA  Legal  Services  (SLLS)  to  ensure  the  most  vulnerable  disaster
                   survivors are routed to SLLS as quickly as possible. Those callers who do not qualify will be
                   put into a google spreadsheet and have their calls returned by volunteer attorneys who will
                   provide brief legal information and advice pertaining to their legal issue. As of April 1st, 2022
                   the  ABA/YLD  hotline  will  be  closed.  To  date,  the  hotline  received  114  calls  that  were
                   answered by 19 dedicated LSBA YLD volunteer.

                   Pro Bono Campaign
                   At the beginning of the year, the ATJ Commission launched the 20 in 2022 pro bono campaign.
                   This campaign encourages all attorneys to provide 20 hours of pro bono in 2022. To promote
                   the campaign, there have been and will be articles published in both the LSBA Bar Briefs and
                   Bar Journal. In addition, on March 22nd, the Chief Justice and the Associate Justices published
                   a letter to the state’s judges encouraging their participation in the campaign and supporting pro
                   bono. Further, the Chief Justice and the Associate Justices sent a letter to the entire LSBA
                   membership encouraging their commitment to providing 20 hours of pro bono in 2022. Lastly,
                   a CLE is being planned for this year’s Bridging the Gap CLE program encouraging young
                   lawyers to donate their time to those in need.

                   Pro Bono Publico and Children’s Law Awards
                   In  March  the  Board  of  Governors  approved  the  Access  to  Justice  Committee’s
                   recommendations for recipients of the 2022 LSBA Pro Bono Publico and Children’s Law
                   Awards. Board members are invited to attend the awards ceremony and reception, which will
                   take place at the Supreme Court at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, May 24, 2022.
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