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Other Access to Justice Department Projects:

                   Spring Justice Fridays
                   The Justice Fridays CLE Series was started in the Fall of 2021, as a supplemental continuing
                   legal education program to the Justice Community Conference, for legal aid organizations,
                   with  a  focus  on  relevant  legal  topics  and  issues  affecting  low-income  and  marginalized
                   communities.  Starting  in  May,  ATJ  is  launching  a  hybrid  spring/summer  Justice  Friday
                   training series that will be offered in person at various locations around the state and online.
                   Each Justice Friday will include 3 hours of CLE credit and include topics on disaster legal
                   response, trauma-informed lawyering, and skills for helping persons with disabilities. These
                   trainings  part  of  a  year-round  schedule  of  events  which  will  include  a  Disaster  Response
                   Conference in place of the annual Louisiana Justice Community Conference. Board members
                   are welcome to attend any of the events offered. Information about Justice Fridays will be
                   provided in April.

                   LEAP Training
                   The  Legal  Education  Assistance  Program  (LEAP)  facilitates  communication  between
                   attorneys and librarians in order to better reach Louisianans in need of legal assistance. The
                   LSBA, in partnership with the Law Library of Louisiana, will host two virtual LEAP trainings
                   in March and May with libraries in Terrebonne and Calcasieu Parishes.

                   In  addition  to  providing  trainings  for  librarians  on  available  legal  resources  and  referral
                   information, LEAP hosts an annual Lawyers in Libraries program, a weeklong event during
                   which  attorneys  provide  brief,  one-on-one  consultations  and  presentations  on  basic  legal
                   concepts to patrons in libraries across the state. Lawyers in Libraries program typically occurs
                   in October, but similar events are planned in July to support the “20 hours in 2022” Pro Bono

                   LIFT  is  the  LSBA’s  nationally  recognized  legal  incubator  program  that  helps  new  public
                   interest-minded  attorneys  build  solo  and  small  firms  practices  that  help  increase  legal
                   representation for underrepresented populations and families with limited means. LIFT offers
                   free resources, law practice management and technology training, business skills development,
                   mentorship,  and  a  collaborative  work  environment  to  help  attorneys  build  innovative  and
                   sustainable public interest law firms.  Through its partnership with Southeast Louisiana Legal
                   Services, LIFT is launching a new program to serve people impacted by Hurricane Ida in
                   Terrebonne, St. Charles, St. John, and Jefferson parishes. The program will support two new
                   attorneys who open solo practices that offer legal services in small successions, clear title, and
                   other property related legal matters that arise in the aftermath of a storm. Additionally, the
                   program  continues  to  operate  the  Domestic  Violence  (DV)  Project  (launched  in  2015  to
                   provide wrap-around civil legal services to domestic violence survivors in New Orleans) and
                   the  Flood  Proof  Project  (launched  in  2018  to  serve  people  impacted  by  the  catastrophic
                   flooding in Baton Rouge in 2016 with title clearing and succession matters).

                   ATJ Developing Leadership Intern Program
                   The Access to Justice (ATJ) Developing Leadership Intern Program provides 1L law students
                   with the opportunity to see a bird’s-eye view of Louisiana’s civil legal aid network. During the
                   six-week program, interns spend time with district court judges, legal non-profit organizations,
                   and their sponsoring firm. Sponsoring firms provide leadership, mentorship, and a stipend to
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