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participating interns. Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore, LLC, is the latest law firm to join the
                   program  as  a  sponsor.  One  intern  is  selected  from  each  of  Louisiana’s  four  law  schools.
                   Planning is underway for this year’s program which will begin on Monday, May 16th and end
                   on Friday, June 24th.

                   If your firm or organization is interested in becoming a sponsor for the 2023 internship, please
                   contact Rachael Mills, or 504-619-0104.

                                             LSBA Standing Committees

                   Criminal Justice Committee
                   On March 10th and 11th, the Committee hosted a Summit on the intersection of mental illness
                   and the criminal justice system. The event attracted a diverse group of 100+ attendees including
                   judges,  court  staff,  lawyers,  mental  healthcare  professionals  and  advocates.  Renowned
                   psychiatrist Dr. Xavier Amador delivered an impactful keynote address focused on the LEAP
                   method model approach for effective communication with people experiencing mental illness.
                   The  event  included  four  hours  of  CLE  and  interactive  working  group  discussions.  The
                   Committee  and  planning  subcommittee  are  reviewing  the  systemic  issues  identified  by
                   attendees  and  ways  to  increase  a  person’s  access  to  mental  health  support  in  place  of
                   incarceration.  The  recommendations  discussed  will  be  reviewed  and  shared  with  the  full
                   Committee at their next meeting.

                   Legal Services for Persons with Disabilities Committee
                   Elena Perez and Debra Weinberg, Co-Chairs
                   Last Fall, the Committee reviewed the National Center for Access to Justice’s 2020 Justice
                   Index results for Disability Access and used the results to identify initiatives for educating
                   attorneys and law students on the common legal barriers people with disabilities face. As part
                   of this work, the committee will host a CLE for Judges on April 8th, 2022 at the La. Judicial
                   College’s  Spring  Conference  with  Louisiana  Supreme  Court  Justice  Piper  Griffin.  The
                   Committee hosted two law skills training sessions for law students focused on interviewing
                   best practices and the professional responsibilities attorneys have when working with clients
                   who have a disability. The first one was held in collaboration with LSU’s Apprenticeship Week
                   on  January  6th  and  the  second  one  was  held  at  Loyola  Law  School  on  March  18th.
                   Additionally, the Committee will be working this summer on updating the LSBA’s Disability
                   Assistance Network  and will be collaborating with the LSBA’s  Spring Justice Fridays  by
                   hosting two CLEs.

                   Children’s Law Committee
                   Curtis Nelson and Kellie Johnson, Co-Chairs
                   The  committee  is  currently  developing  material  for  the  August/September  edition  of  the
                   Louisiana Bar Journal which will be devoted to Children’s Law issues. Its four work groups
                   will support the committee’s CLE efforts (for both attorneys and law students) by providing
                   specialized training in children’s law topics. To that end, the Committee’s Education Law
                   Workgroup will also coordinate efforts with the LSBA’s Building Bridges Committee and the
                   Legal  Services  for  Persons  with  Disabilities  Committee  to  help  provide  continuing  legal
                   education for new and pro bono attorneys interested in working and addressing the needs of
                   children seeking education services and accommodations in juvenile facilities.
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