Page 320 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 320
Louisiana State Bar Association
Professional Programs Department
Committees & Entities
The Professional Programs Departnnent provides staff assistance to the following LSBA
Committees & entities:
1 . Practice Assistance and Improvement Committee
2. Client Assistance Fund Committee
3. La. Client Assistance Foundation (LCAF)
4. CLE Programs Committee
-Summer School Subcommittee
-Theme Subcommittee
5. Committee on the Profession
6. Unauthorized Practice of Law Committee
7. Rules of Professional Conduct Committee and its subcommittees
8. Ethics Advisory Service Committee
- Publications Subcommittee
9. Transitioning Lawyers Committee
10. Senior Lawyers Division
I 1. Insurance Committee
Professional Programming
Practice Assistance and Improvement Program
The Practice Assistance and Improvement Committee is charged with preventing and
correcting lawyer misconduct and assisting victims of lawyer misconduct by evaluating, developing
and providing effective alternatives to discipline programs lor minor offenses, educational and
practice assistance programs, and programs to resolve minor complaints and lawyericlient disputes.
The LSBA's Practice Assistance and Improvement Program offers "altematives to
discipline" assistance to its members. Since implementation over twenty-five years ago, the
LSBA's Practice Assistance and Improvement Program is a resounding success. In the past lawyers
were formally sanctioned for minor violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct. This is not
necessarily the case any longer. Rather than tamish a lawyer's reputation and record with formal
public or private discipline, there are now alternatives to discipline.
The Practice Assistance and Improvement Program's two alternatives to discipline programs
- the Attomey-Client Assistance Program and the Diversion Program have been in operation since
September of 1998, after approval from the Louisiana Supreme Court providing assistance to
Louisiana lawyers. Disciplinary Counsel has the authority and discretion to refer matters before or
after investigation to the Practice Assistance and Improvement Program administered by the LSBA.
As of April 12,2024,6865 referrals have been received from the Olfice of Disciplinary Counsel to
both programs since September of I 998. Planning is underway for the fiftieth Ethics School, the
chief component of the Diversion Program.