Page 322 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 322

practicing attomeys,  law school faculty and the Chief Disciplinary  Counsel. Plans are now
                underway  for the next LSBA's Ethics  School.
                        The Ethics  School curriculum  includes the following topics:
                               ' the lawyer disciplinary  system;
                               ' the attomey-client relationship including  formation ofthe relationship, client
                                screening,  accepting the representation, billing,  fees and costs, solicitation  and
                                terminating the relationship;
                               ' conflicts ol interest;

                               ' law office  management  including  supervising  personnel, computer  use,
                                opening and closing files, file organization,  communication with clients,  the
                                office manual, trial notebook, tickler systems and time management;
                               ' substance abuse, stress  and the Lawyers  Assistance Program;
                               ' handling client properfy including trust accounting;
                               ' how to handle fee disputes.
                       Feedback  from attendees has been very positive.  Attendees find the Ethics School to be
                very beneficial and instructive.  Some positive responses were "This was a great  class - I am glad I
                was offered  a chanca to attend",  "Should be offered  to all members  ofthe Bar", "Every aspect was
                enlightening - educational  - thorough".

                LSBA Trust Accountins  SchooVDiversion  ComDonent
                       The first LSBA Trust Accounting  School was held on April 22,2005  at the LSBA Bar
                Center. The School is pattemed after a similar program  at the Florida  State Bar Association. It is a
                three hour comprehensive C.L.E. offered to attorney refenals from the Office of Disciplinary
                Counsel who had disciptinary  complaints  involving their trust account. An attomey\C.P.A. or
                LSBA Ethics Counsel teaches  the attomeys both the ethical rules involving trust accounting  as well
                as practical  demonstrations  on how to keep, maintain,  and balance  an attomey  trust account.  It is
                designed  to compliment and exceed what is taught at the LSBA Ethics School. The thirty-third
                Trust Accounting  School was held on January  25, 2024. The fee for Trust Accounting  School is
                $ 100.

                LSBA Trust Accountin Workshon Descriotion
                       The LSBA Trust Accounting Workshop  is a periodic three hour CLE program  offered to
                attomeys  interested  in the proper use of a trust account. lt is a comprehensive  review of how to
                safeguard  client and/or third parry funds. An attomey\C.P.A. or LSBA Ethics  Counsel teaches  the
                attomeys both the ethical  rules involving  trust accounting  as well as practical demonstrations  on
                how to keep, maintain, and balance  an attomey  trust account. It is designed  to complement  and
                exceed what is taught at the LSBA Ethics  School and Bridging  the Gap.

                LSBA Advertisins School/Diversion  Component
                       This is another  diversion component. This is a 3 hour C.L.E. offered  to attomey  referrals
                from the Ofhce of Disciplinary  Counsel  who have had disciplinary  complaints involving minor
                violations of the advertising  rules. The first Advertising  School was held on May 14,2010.  The fee
                is $100.00.

                Law Practice  Management  SchooVDiversion  Component
                       This is also a diversion component.  The first school was held in July 2012. The "Law
                Practice  Management"  School consists ofboth  1) attendance  at the LSBA Ethics School (including
                it's presentations  on the Attomey-Client  Relationships,  Trust Accounting,  Fee Disputes, Law
                Practice  Management and Conflicts oflnterest) and also 2) an in-depth  in-person  review ofthe
                Respondent's law practice  by LSBA Practice Assistance Counsel, LSBA Law Practice Management
                Counsel and Gilsbar's Loss Prevention Counsel. The review generally  last 2-3 hours and specific
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