Page 323 - 2024 Orientation Manual
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recommendations  for improvements  are colrmunicated to the Respondent  so they can avoid future
                underlying issues.

                Stress Management  Workshon/Diversion  Component
                       The first workshop  was held in August  of 201 5. This 3 hour program  is taught by a clinical
                psychologist  and the Director ofJLAP and is designed  to assist lawyers in dealing with the stress
                associated with the practice of law. There is no fee for this program. This program  has also been
                offered  free to the membership.

                Other Initiatives of the Practice  Assistance  & ImDrovement Committee

                Production  of Rule XIX Video
                       Another project of the Committee  is the production  of a l5 minute video to provide
                members  with information  on the disciplinary  process before the filing of formal  charges. The
                committee  completed this project in April 2013.

                Update  of Practice  Aid Guide
                       The Practice Assistance  and Improvement  Committee  in conjunction with Cilsbar published
                the Practice Aid Guide in 2004. The Practice  Aid Guide  addresses  the essentials  of law office
                management  and contains key procedures,  forms and sample  letters.  The Practice Aid Guide was
                revised in 2018. The Practice Aid Guide can be found on the LSBA website at
                    ://www.Isba.or       bers/P

                Summary of Disciplinary Cases
                       The Committee  added information  addressing  discipline and malpractice  to the LSBA
                website.  Fastcase  has added Louisiana  disciplinary  cases  to their website. Fastcase,  a legal
                research service, is provided  to all active LSBA members  free ofcharge.  (LSBA  pays for)

                Law Practice Management Program

                       The LSBA launched its Law Office  Management  Program In August 2006. The program  is
                designed  to assist lawyers  in increasing the quality of legal services  they provide.

                Lend     Library
                       One component of the program  is a Lending Library which consists  of approximately  180
                books. Members can check  out books from the Bar Center.  Each year additional books are added
                to the library.

                Online Resources
                       There are extensive law office  management  resources online at wll'rv'.lsba.ore.

                Full Time Law Practice Management  Counsel
                       In March 2010, the LSBA hired a full time Law Practice Management  Counsel in an effort
                to expand  Law Office  Management services. LSBA Practice Management  Counsel offers practice
                management  advice to members.

                Solo, Small Firm & Tech Conference
                       The sixteenth Annual Solo, Small Firm & Tech Conference will be held on June 15,2023.
                The LSBA's Annual Solo, Small Firm & Tech Conference continues to increase in popularity,  size
                and scope each year. There are always a record number of exhibitors supporting  the Conference.
                The Conference has national  and regional  speakers on a variety of topics.  Topics  include
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