Page 80 - 21/22IncomingBOG
P. 80
2021/2022 BUDGET
(1) Dues projected as follows:
In practice 3 years or less = 1,000 members @ $80 $ 80,000
In practice more than 3 years = 21,400 @ $200 4,280,000
New admittees = 450 @ $80 36,000
Less projected 50+ year members = 1,162 @ $200 (232,400)
Less projected Inactive Requests & Ineligible Status 200 (40,000)
Less Emeritus Members = 300 @ $100 (30,000)
Less Hardship Exemptions (20,000)
TOTAL $ 4,073,600
(2) Based on reinstatement of 240 ineligible members @ $50/member.
(3) Projected CLE revenue as follows:
Registration income from approximately 40 plus CLE seminars (live and webinars)
based on prior years.
Some of the live fall seminars will be moved to virtual/webinars due to
Court order lifting the online MCLE limit for 2021 from 4 hours to 12.5 hours.
Sponsorship income based on prior years.
Projected income from online CLE from InReach based on prior years. Court order
issued lifting the online MCLE limit for 2021 from 4 hours to 12.5 hours.
(4) Based on actual income in FY 2018/2019. No meeting in FY 2019/2020
(5) Event was rescheduled from March 2020 to August 2021. Projected income from
registration and sponsorships based on amounts deferred from prior receipts and other
anticipated income based on prior years.:
Registration $ 8,200.00
Sponsorships $41,000.00
Exhibitor $ 280.00
Plus other anticipated income $ 5,500.00
(6) Projected income from registration fees, exhibit fees and sponsorships based on prior year.
(7) Projected income from registration fees.
(8) Rental of membership lists at following rates and based on prior years’ revenue:
Louisiana law schools (largest volume purchasers) - .06 per name
Other purchasers - .10(lists)/.12 (labels) per name
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