Page 82 - 21/22IncomingBOG
P. 82
Realized Gains/Loss on Investment BUDGETED $ 10,000
(18) Projected income as follows:
From Legal Services programs:
Training Coordinator (current ) $15,000
Training Coordinator (assumed renewal) $15,000
Four Law Firms each paying $3000:
Stipends for 4 ATJ Leadership Interns $12,000
(19) Projected sponsorship income based on prior years.
(20) $10,000 contribution from C.N.A and $10,000 contribution from Gilsbar to be used to
offset LSBA support of JLAP.
(21) Anticipated income from the Supreme Court of Louisiana and the Louisiana Attorney
Disciplinary Board in connection with single billing. Based on the 2020/2021 expenses
reduced by label income collected in FY 2019/2020, the Supreme Court of Louisiana will
pay 10% of reduced expenses capped at $10,000 and the Louisiana Attorney Disciplinary
Board will pay half of remaining expenses.
(22) Income from Louisiana Board of Legal Specialization for rent and overhead allocation.
(23) Projected income from administrative fees of Fee Arbitration Program.
(24) Projected Mandatory CLE as follows:
Sponsor Application Fees – Income based on prior year actuals
Accreditation Fees – Income based on prior year actuals
Reinstatement Fees – Income based on prior year actuals
Sponsor Late Fees – Income based on prior year actuals
Delinquent Fees – Income based on prior year actuals
Repeat Penalty Fees – Income based on prior year actuals COVID related
uncertainty remains
(25) Projected lease income from Judicial Administrator based on 3,666 square feet at
$14/square foot 12 months of fiscal year.
(26) Reflects total projected income from all sources.
(1) Projected expenses of New Orleans President, including ABA meetings in Chicago and
Seattle, and SCBP meeting in Orlando.
(2) Projected expenses of Metairie President-Elect, including ABA meetings in Chicago and
Seattle, and SCBP meeting in Orlando.
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