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(45) Projected expenses for meetings and projects of the following committees:
Community Action
Group Insurance
Medical/Legal Interprofessional
(46) Donation to help defray the expenses of the state champion team to compete in the national
(47) Projected costs of long-distance phone service and cellular phone service for 2 support
staff persons.
(48) Projected cost of supplies for department based on prior year actual.
(49) Projected salaries & benefits for 2 support staff persons.
(50) Projected costs of meetings for 25-member committee.
(51) Miscellaneous expenses for governmental advocacy
(52) Expenses of contract lobbyist based on $4,000/month for 12 months.
(53) Cost of Legiscon subscription to review and track bills and other legislative instruments.
(54) Represents 20% of salary & benefits for attorney who serves as staff liaison to committee.
(55) Professional dues and subscriptions for department members - LSBA/LADB (4@ $435;
1@$250), NAPBPro dues for department members (2@$100), NABE ($80), ABA
(2@$450), NLADA ($100), American Judicature Society ($200 bi-annually), and
Management Information Exchange (MIE)($350)
(56) ATJ Committee Projects – Includes
o ATJ Commission Meetings ($3,000) (expenses for 4 Commission meetings and
numerous committee meetings for 6 committees)
▪ Building Bridges Committee Meetings (Re-Entry Program)
▪ Funding Committee Meetings (State Funding, Revision of La R.S
13:1000, Other Funding Projects, ABA Day)
▪ Language Access Committee Meetings (Work with LASC on LA
projects to support federal MOA, creation of education materials)
▪ Modest Means Committee Meetings (Modest Means Directory
Advertising and Membership activities)
▪ SRL Committee Meetings (Development and Evolution of Statewide
Uniform Forms, trainings and other SRL resources, Conducting SRL
Regional Summits)
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